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Peter was met with warmed air as he entered Debonair Inc., an assortment of dark pink roses cradled in his arms. He was welcomed with warm smiles from secretaries and designers as he sauntered past, his presence known about the building.

"Aww, how cute is that?"

"He's literally the best boyfriend ever!"

He heard the throng of astonished statements and giggles held behind hands as he sauntered through the front corridor. His engagement ring glistened beside the turquoise casing of flowers and he felt only the slightest bit of embarrassment of the passersby's gushing. They all knew of his betrothment to Kimioko, many were even present at the moment he got on one knee and took her hand in his, but that did little to alleviate the flush of his cheeks when they would tease him.

He was surprised to see that Kimioko was already in the furthermost part of the hallway, conversing with two colleagues and oblivious to his presence until one of the women tapped Kimioko and pointed in Peter's direction. Peter would have preferred the privacy of her office when he presented her his gift, but figured a few more people seeing his act of guilt wouldn't be too bothersome. Luckily for him, the two women side-stepped the pair to give them a little discretion.

"Oh, babe!" Careful of the blossoms, Kimioko threw her arms around Peter's neck and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. "Are these for me?"

No, your boss, Peter thought comically before answering, "Of course they are."

"What's the occasion?"

"Just 'cause it's Monday." Peter winked and had Kimioko giggling all over again and kissing his cheek.

The true reason behind his visit, however, was that after ending his call with Trystan the Friday before, he felt an overwhelming wave of culpability wash over him. He'd gone to someone else to soothe his woes when it should have been Kimioko he was leaning on. If he couldn't depend on his wife-to-be, what was he marrying her for? Peter assumed he'd prejudged her and disallowed her the chance to prove herself, and for that he felt guilty. Kimioko may not have known the true reason what the flowers were for, but it eased his conscious to see her swooning over them and him.

"I have to get to the studio, but I'll see you tonight, alright?" Peter's smile was suggestive, and Kimioko caught on quickly.

"Not in front of everyone, Peter," she teased and leaned her forehead against his. She looked thoughtful for a moment before discreetly biting her lip. "I'm on break right now," she whispered, her voice sultry. "Why don't you come up to my office and help me set these flowers up?" She traced a finger across one of the delicate petals.

Peter followed close behind as they boarded the elevator.

• | •

Angelique sighed, twisting a golden loc between her fingers before letting it fall back amongst the mass of others against her shoulder. "I'm bored, Tree!" she griped and slapped the leg lounging atop her thighs. She and Trystan had lazed the day away lying on the couch, dining on a carton of chocolate ice cream and watching old Disney movies, but even Trystan had to admit seeing the cute little elephant and kittens had indeed grown stale. Even Bella, who'd been cradled in Angelique's lap was fast asleep.

Trystan set the empty container of ice cream on the floor beside her and lifted her calves from off Angelique. "I am, too." Trystan should have spent her Monday tampering with song lyrics but decided in her writer's block to put it off until the following day, finding no use in stressing when there would be others who'd help her out.

"Well, we've gone through one whole Disney catalog and I don't know if my ass can take much more sitting. I wanna go out somewhere," Angelique proclaimed somewhat dreamily, as if it had been her day's aspiration to escape Trystan's home.

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