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They all remained in the waiting room, Trystan, Peter, Derek, and Yvonne, who had arrived about an hour after Raina's first update.

Trystan had arisen from Peter's shoulder, her eyes frantic as she said, "My mom! I forgot to call me my mom!" She pulled her phone from her purse, and just as she feared, there were several missed calls from the older woman.

"I didn't mean to, I-I," Trystan stammered as she went to call her back.

"Trys, Trys, I got it," Peter soothed, taking the phone from her hand so he could answer her mother. He knew she was much too stressed to tell her mother what had happened and would easily break into a fit of tears in the middle of explaining.

He talked to Yvonne, difficult over her wails of concern about her daughter not answering the phone and then her granddaughter's crisis that ultimately ended with her announcing she was on her way.

"Oh, I tried to come as fast as I could!" she cried when she finally saw Trystan and Peter, approaching them with just as much fear as they had. Her large purse swinging, she hurried over, her own eyes brimming with tears. She pulled her daughter into her arms, embracing her tightly before saying, "I was praying the entire way here. What on earth happened?"

"She had an asthma attack," Peter answered, and Yvonne looked back at Trystan, who always seemed to begin tearing up again at the mention of it. Yvonne squeezed her hands into hers, gently asking him what the doctors had told them.

Peter did the best he could to relay everything Dr. Chu (they had learned his name) said to them. Yvonne's face plummeted into further despair, but she tried not to cry, seeing that Trystan was probably in the worst state of them all. She had not even verbally greeted her mother, her eyes wet and downcast and refusing to meet anyone's, even Peter's.

"Well, we're gonna trust and pray that the doctors are doing everything they can and that she comes out of this. She's stable now, so let's rejoice in that. Trystan?" Yvonne tugged at her hand, wanting to spring some life into it. The most she could offer was a glance toward her mother and short nod.

"All right, let's sit you back down." As she was beginning to assist Peter in doing so, her eye caught sight of the other man present, and her image of worry transformed into a frown. "What are you doing here, Derek?" she was not afraid to ask. She momentarily let go of Trystan and placed her hands on her hips.

Yvonne was not a scary woman, more often than not kind, but she could spark fear into those she wanted to, and Derek appeared a little less than willing to confront her. But he did, standing up apprehensively and brushing imaginary dust off his jeans. Peter went to sit back down with Trystan before he stepped to them all, averse to dealing with the man in any way, shape, or form beyond proximity.

"Hello, Mrs. Wildes," he greeted, finding it difficult to keep her fiery gaze.

"Don't Hello, Mrs. Wildes me. I thought I made it clear the last time I saw you that I didn't want you near my baby."

"With all due respect, Mrs. Wildes, Trystan's a grown woman and–,"

"Is this the fight you really want right now?"

"No, I–," Derek paused, closing his eyes briefly to start over. "That's not what I want. I don't want anymore fights. I flew out here for business but thought I'd catch Trystan to talk to her. I saw on some media site she was in the city. As soon as we were done talking I was gonna leave, but then the whole thing with Raina happened and she needed a ride here. I'm just here for support; not be in the way."

"I think she has all the support she needs." Yvonne nodded toward Peter, who held Trystan in his arms as she leaned against him.

"Mrs. Wildes, I'm not here to promise you I'm a changed man or a better man or to even convince you that I'm the man for Trystan. I think we can all agree that I'm not. But I do wanna be here for her. I already called out of the meeting I was supposed to go to tomorrow just in case you guys need any extra help. That's all."

At No Time || Bruno Marsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें