Christmastime had not granted Peter any kind of merriment in years, each December a pestering month filled with the far-fetched idea of Santa Claus and sugary sweet movies and commercials that seemed to promise an exuberance in families that did not really exist. Peter did not hate the holidays, but he desired for them to pass like any other normal day.

Alas, between the shakes of his head at the impending holidays, Peter's hands trembled with excitement as he packed his suitcase for New York. He would not leave with Trystan until two days before New Years, but he thought it best to ready his things before he talked himself out of it. He had not planned to go back to New York any time soon–he would wait back in Los Angeles for Trystan's return, but the hopeful smile she'd worn when she'd inquired of him to accompany her on her trip back home had him wanting to agree with anything she asked.

He knew he had not thought things all the way through the moment "yes" had left his mouth, but the glow of her eyes had the word "no" buried in the pit of his stomach.

He sat on the edge of his bed, his packed suitcase at his heel and his thumbs twiddling betwixt themselves as he wondered how he would deal with being back in New York. It was not that he loathed his hometown–far from it actually. It had been the place that assisted in grooming him, but he did not like being in the familiar. It brought back memories he'd tried hard to bury.

Maybe I shouldn't . . . he entertained the idea of calling Trystan and letting her know he could not make it, at least not this time around, when Kimioko entered the bedroom. She fell onto her stomach beside him with her phone in her clutch and a page of wedding procedures on the screen, ready to show him until her eyes caught sight of Peter's packed bag.

"Why do you have your suitcase?" she questioned, a thick brow cocked.

"I have some business out in New York I have to attend to next week," Peter fibbed, hoping his disposition was more convincing than he felt.

"During the holidays?"

"It's not like we celebrate them."

"I know, but it's just . . . it's weird you would have to work through New Year's. They've never done that before." Kimioko looked unsettled. Considering any other day she only half-cared about what Peter was up to work-wise, he worried that her uncertainty had something to do with her suspicions of Trystan.  

Thinking quickly, Peter explained, "I know; I asked them if there was any way they could reschedule, but they're already behind with some shit Lance should be handling, so he's sending me in his place to get it all settled."

"What could they need help with? I thought you said this project was almost done?" Kimioko's brow furrowed, unwilling to get or accept Peter's claims. He hoped her addled expression had more to do with the sudden circumstance than what he was really planning to do when in New York. He running out of lies. He had not prepared for Kimioko to be so inquisitive.

"Just some of the costs with the videos and whatnot. Usually, the head of finances would be handling this, but he's out of the country collaborating with another company and Lance will be in El Salvador on vacation. That leaves me in charge."

"But your just a producer."

"Who happens to co-own a section of Lance's company. There's a lot more to my job than just playing piano, Kitten." Peter's brow furrowed. The latter had not been a lie at all and he despised the fact his positions had been lessened with just a sentence.

"I thought you hated New York?"

"I can't help where my work leads me."

"Are you gonna see your dad and sister while you're there? Why don't I go with you? I think they'd want to meet their future in-law."

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