Chapter 1

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When Draco Malfoy was only two years old, the young couple next door gave up on having a baby of their own and decided to adopt a young witch. She was an energetic and daring girl and she fascinated Draco. They were around the same age and soon became playmates. As the years progressed, however, they created a special bond. Soon, the two children were inseparable. They were often found in the yard playing in the mud or inside making pillow forts when it rained. The two were the best of friends and no one could change that. Throughout the years the two were always there for each other, if you messed with one of them, you messed with both of them. As their eleventh year came around, they excitedly awaited their Hogwarts letters. They talked about how they would conquer school; together, as they did everything. But that didn't happen. Little did they know that soon they would be far from best friends. Soon, Draco Malfoy would be enemies with his best and only friend he had ever had, Hermione Granger.

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