Chapter 3

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The week before school was the hardest week Draco had experienced in his short life. He felt miserable for hurting Hermione and every time he saw her he tried to talk to her but she just ignored him. It was hard not having her to talk to and on top of it all, his father was overjoyed.

"I'm so glad you finally saw sense and separated yourself from that mudblood" he would say or "It's a good thing you stopped playing with that filthy mudblood, if it had continued I might have had to stop you for your own good at school!" And although these comments made Draco mad, what made him even more angry was the fact that his dad had actually planned to make him stop being friends with his closest companion.

Draco was angry and sad and worst of all he had to go to school soon, and for the first time in his life, he was completely alone. So the night before they left for school, Draco pulled together a haphazard plan to get Hermione back. It was a scrapped together idea and Draco desperately hoped it worked, it was his only chance.

So, the next day as all the students boarded the Hogwarts Express, Draco came up to Hermione and held out a little box, inside it was a necklace, it had half a star on it and said bff. Draco had the other half of the necklace and even though he was a boy, he wanted to show her he was willing to be seen as different for her. So he gave her the necklace and showed her his half.

"Listen Hermione, I don't know what came over me last week, but I need you to be friends with me, I need someone to have my back. I'll always have your back if you have mine." Draco looked up to her hopefully but Hermione had stone cold eyes. She shoved the box back at Draco and said,

"I'm sorry, I don't want to be seen talking to a boy, people will talk." She stepped around him and walked off never looking back. Draco stood in the aisle for a while before the conductor told him he needed to sit down because the train was leaving the station.

As Draco sat in his compartment alone he stared out the window and a single tear rolled down his face.

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