AdvancedShipping AshXMay

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Hoenn League saga

Get the Show on the Road! Yes! After Ash destroys May's bicycle accidentally, she angrily goes to tell him off while he is resting in the Pokémon Center. As she quietly opens the door, she sees Ash and Pikachu resting contently together, and she forgives him without telling him. Later on, May guilts Ash into letting her travel with him. Once he says that she could come along, May strikes a triumphant pose by the camera and yells, "YES!" to show her enthusiasm to the audience. This, coupled with the previous scene where she secretly spies on him and forgives him for his kindness toward Pikachu, shows that May might be taking a liking toward him

A Ruin with a View During the middle of the episode, Ash is eager to ask a few other Trainers about the Petalburg Gym Leader. Hearing this, May desperately grabs Ash's hand and asks him if they could go eat instead, and if he could show her around the Pokémon Center so Ash wouldn't find out her dad is the Gym Leader; some say this is so Ash would not treat her any differently. Despite his earlier enthusiasm, Ash agrees and they eat. During their meal, Ash and May talk, and Ash becomes May's mentor for the very first time, teaching her how to capture and battle with Pokémon. When Ash goes off to spy on Team Magma, May refuses to be left alone and goes along with him.

There's no Place Like Hoenn When Team Rocket steals May's Torchic, she falls to her knees in despair. Seeing this, Ash crouches down next to her and tells her not to worry, promising that he will get her Torchic back for her. Additionally, at the end of the episode, when Max voices his desire to travel with Ash and May, they both show a shocked expression on their faces, possibly implying that they wanted to travel together, alone.

You Never Can Taillow Though this may have just been stubbornness, she grabs Ash's arm and asks him if they can eat. Though Max also grabbed onto Ash, May did it first. Later, she asked Ash where their food was first, instead of asking Max. She took particular offense to Ash's mentioning of Brock, sarcastically apologizing for being useless compared to him.

A Bite to Remember When a group of Mightyena shows hostility towards the group, May hides behinds Ash for protection, even though Brock could provide protection as easily. However, Ash was also the closer of the two, so whether it is because of reliance or self-preservation is debatable.

Stairway to Devon When Ash and May discover that a Team Aqua intruder is in the building and Max could be in potential danger, she clasps her hands and asks Ash for reassurance and support. Once Ash comforts her, she is relieved. This is the first of many scenes where May continually looks toward Ash for support and reassurance, further expanding on the mentor/student dynamic.

On a Wingull and a Prayer! Ash, May, Brock and Max end up in a deserted place where there are no boats or ferries for the them to reach Dewford Island, where Ash's next gym battle will take place. They manage to find a beach port which was deserted and May happily says that at least they found a beach, to which Ash irritably replies that, "A lot of good that does if we're going to miss the boat anyway, May!". May then becomes quiet and after hearing Ash say that he was really eager to go to Dewford Island for his next gym battle, she determinedly says that she will find a boat on her own while the others can relax. Later, while searching for a boat, May looks out to the sea and thinks about Ash yelling at her earlier on, which makes her slightly blush.

Brave the Wave On Dewford Island, May decides to strip into a bikini right on the beach. However, instead of just running down to the shore to take a swim, she purposely poses in her bikini in front of Ash and her brother and asks what they think. Ash appears to be embarrassed by the situation, but so is Max (who could arguably seem even more embarrassed), for understandable reasons.

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