PokeShipping: Ash X Misty

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Misty tends to get irritated if Brock is cheering for a girl he likes instead of Ash. This is shown in The Fourth Round Rumble, where Ash is battling Jeanette Fisher and Brock is cheering for the latter.

Ash Catches a Pokémon Ash, willing to continue his journey alone, is followed by Misty. Upon noticing her pursuing him in Viridian Forest, Ash puts her on the spot and asks her, "Why are you still following me?" Misty sweat-drops and unconvincingly stutters back, "M...My bike! I'm holding you responsible for my bike!" in an insincere manner.Why she is following him is made apparent near the end of the episode where she says, "I've never known anyone like him. He really does love Pokémon." She does so in body language befitting that of an infatuated girl. Also, in her statement, it is pretty much implied that she has some sort of interest in knowing Ash, who, at this point, is someone she barely knows. Furthermore, in this and the next episode, Misty seems very eager to make physical (if not courtly) contact with Ash.

Challenge of the Samurai When Samurai is searching for Ash, Misty runs toward him, shouting, "Ash!" sounding worried or scared.

The Water Flowers of Cerulean City Misty tells Daisy that she's back home because of Ash. The remark makes Daisy think Ash and Misty are a couple, which causes Misty to blush an intense shade of red. Also the episodes before this, while trying to get Ash to avoid coming to this city would suggest other locations, often stating because they are "so romantic".

The School of Hard Knocks While Ash and Brock fall into infatuation with Giselle, Misty gets angry. Some say that she was jealous because of Ash, while others say that it was because of Brock.

Here Comes The Squirtle Squad When Ash gets caught in an explosion to protect Squirtle, she screams Ash's name, while Brock just stares.

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak When the ghost skulls attack them, Misty grabs Ash's arm and holds on to him tightly. Ash never seems to have any problem with this, if anything looking like he wanted to be comforted, suggesting that they both look to each other when they are scared and are not embarrassed by this.At the end of the episode, Misty invites Ash to dance. When Ash accepts, she takes his hand and they are then seen dancing together as the episode ends.

The Tower of Terror At the beginning of the episode, Ash, Brock and Misty are walking through the mist on their way to Lavender Town and Brock says they should probably hold hands. Ash and Misty eagerly reply, "Okay!" The two of them hold hands and continue walking, but Brock, who came up with the idea, mistook Pikachu's tail for Ash's hand; Only Ash and Misty are holding hands. Also, when Brock grabs Pikachu's tail because he can't see through the mist, Pikachu fires an electric attack out of fear and Misty grabs onto Ash.Later, when Misty thought that Ash had died, she is driven to almost tears, but is interrupted by Ash who comes back to life and she wipes her nose and blushes.

The Ninja Poké-Showdown As Ash, Misty, and Brock follow a Venonat through the Fuchisa Gym, Ash runs into a invisible wall. When the group turns away, Ash runs into another invisible wall and falls. When she sees this, Misty grabs Ash by the waist and helps him up. Her face expresses concern. After Ash has gotten up, Misty continues to hold on to his arm for a few moments. Brock is completely still while this is happening. Later, when Misty and Brock think Ash had died, Misty is almost driven to tears.

March of the Exeggutor Squad When Misty sees Ash lying unconscious on the ground, she panics and runs to his side, begging Pikachu to "do something."

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon When Misty, Brock, and Squirtle are digging through the rocks to save Ash, Misty, in the dub, says to herself "Listen Ash you'd better hold on, don't forget you still owe me a new bike!" In the original Japanese Misty says Ash had better not die on her, suggesting that she needs to reassure herself that Ash is okay.

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