Chapter 7

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Maya stayed in the bathroom star struck from what just happened. She finally snapped out of it and realized she had to get to class fast or Mr.B would probably make a whole scene.
She decided to text Farkle because he was in that class with her

Maya: Hey Farkle meet me in the girls bathroom across from the gym, thanks
Farkle: Um okay...

About a minute later there's was a knock on the bathroom door
"Maya it's Farkle, is it safe to come in?"
"Yes come in, no one else is in here"
"Okay" Farkle said and then walked into the ladies bathroom. He saw Maya sitting on the floor with her back against the wall.
He looked at he and she gave him a sad puppy dog face.
Farkle put out his hand so she could grab it. She grabbed onto his hand and he pulled her up into his arms.
"Okay Maya, you can let go now" Farkle said because Maya was still holding onto him.
"Maya. Are you okay?"
Then he heard tears coming from Maya as she planted her face into his chest and started crying hard.
"Maya, what's wrong, talk to me"
Farkle said as he wrapped his arms around her back so they where hugging. They stayed like that for about a minute. She pulled her head away from his chest but still had her arms wrapped around his back and his around hers.
"Farkle, I-I messed up. I'm a screw up. I'm an idiot. I'm trying to protect Riley, and I basically ended our friendship by acting like a total bitch, and I'm just trying to make everyone happy and it's all to much to handle and I-"
She was cut off when Farkle started to wipe away her tears that kept coming out when she was rambling.
"Maya it's okay, you're not a screw up, you're not an idiot, you're not a bitch. You made a mistake, it doesn't define you. DON'T let it define you. You're an amazing person and one-ONE mistake doesn't change that!" Farkle said trying to cheer her up
Maya just stared at him and started to cry and hugged him really hard.
"I love you Farkle"
Farkle smiled and hugged her back
"I love you too"

If anyone wants to say shit about "you took Riarkles scene and made it Markle" fight me because I didn't realize until after I read it the second time. I blue sky write (look it up)

"C'mon Maya, we need to get to Mr.B's class" Farkle said while they un-hugged (is that a word, oh whale)
Maya stepped away from him but still holding onto his shoulder, he looked at her funny and she looked at her ankle then back at him
"I think it's broken"
Farkle gave her a smile and she started to laugh but said
"No Farkle! don't you dare" Maya said threw laughs and giggles
Farkle swept her off her feet and held her bridal style while she kicked her legs and giggled.
"Farkle *laughs* I said no" She laughed out, Farkle gave her a really cheesy smile and carried her out of the bathroom and started walking down the hall to Mr.B's class
Fuck I hate Branson, hopefully he'll leave me alone today, he won't do anything in front of the class, will he?"
"Maya!" Farkle yelled still holding her
"Yeah? What? What happend?
"I called your name like a thousand times" Farkle exaggerated and laughed
"Ha sorry about that, lost in thought I guess"
"Well we're here want me to set you down?" Farkle asked still holding Maya. Maya noticed they where in front if Mr.B's door and it looked like they where about 15 minutes into class.
"Can we just skip?" Maya pleaded
"What? Why?"
"I'll tell you about it once we skip" Maya gave him a cheesy smile
"Uh okay, but only because I'm guessing it has something to do with your ankle" Farkle said
"Yeah. Yes! My ankle hurts really bad and I can't just sit threw class, so yeah, um where do you want to go?"
"Locker rooms?" Farkle asked
"Boys or girls?"
"I think I would get in more trouble if I where seen in the girls rather than you in the boys" Farkle laughed
"Plus I have some bandages in my locker and I can wrap your ankle" he added.
"Yeah that'd be great! So off to the boys locker room it is" Maya said and pointed down the hall in the direction they where going
I think Farkle might be my best friend. He's the only one who understands me, isn't that what a best friend is? Someone to understand your problems and help you? I love Riley but sometimes she's too pushy and Lucas is waaayyyy to pushy. Huh Lucas, I can't believe I freakin kissed him. What's wrong with me?
Maya got lost in thought and then finally realized they where at the boys locker room.
"Okay I'll set you down here and see if there's anyone still in the locker room" Farkle said and then walked in to the locker room. He was gone for about 2 minutes when he came back and said
"Okay coast is clear" and then he helped Maya up off her feet and swept her up again holding her bridal style.
They walked threw the lockers until they came across Farkles. He placed Maya down in the bench next to the lockers and started to put in his combination.
"Hey Farkle, why do you just happen to have bandages in your locker?" Maya asked
"I alway get injured in gym, not really my thing, so I started bringing them to school." Farkle said a little embarrassed
"Here" he said as he found the bandages and pulled them out of the locker. He sat down on the bench with his legs on both sides while Maya's legs where spread out across the bench and she used her arms behind her as balance.

Farkle grabbed her ankle gently and pushed up her jeans so they where right below her knee, and started wrapping her ankle with the bandages.

When he was all finished it was like her ankle was stiff and stuck in one position but it was okay so her broken bones wouldn't move when she walked.
"Hey you should really go to the hospital" Farkle said
"Yeah, I would but my mom doesn't have insurance" Maya said looking down
"It's okay, I'll pay" Farkle smiled
"What? No I can't take money from you"
"Maya, it's okay. I'm rich. This way you can pay it all in one payment so you won't get billed every month."
Maya again looked like she was going to cry
"Hey what's wrong?" Farkle asked in a loving tone
"Why-why are you so nice to me?" She sobbed out while a couple tears fell.
Farkle got up off the bench and helped her down and they sat against the lockers (where their wasn't a bench in front of it) Farkle sat down and Maya sat next to him and placed her head on his shoulder.
"Because I care about you, I care about all my friends, if it where Riley or Lucas in the same situation I'd pay for them in a heartbeat." Farkle said smiling at her
"But it's me, I'm not Riley or Lucas, I'm just an ass. I'm guessing you saw all that horrible shit I said to Riley, why aren't you mad at me, like Lucas was?"
Maya cried
"Because I trust that you had a reasonable reason to do it, I know that you would never hurt Riley intentionally and-"
"BUT I DID! I-I'm a total ass. I'm a hypocrite. And it pissed me off that I'm even discussing this because it's like my WHOLE LIFE revolves around Lucas and I don't want it to" Maya cried out
Farkle wrapped and arm around her and bought her closer to him.
"Maya what are you talking about?" He asked

The next chapter might take a while to post because I'm going to be on airplane flying home and I won't have wifi to post it, and can't write it until I'm home, so I apologize in advance.
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Love you angels

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