Chapter 17

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Sorry about not updating I was planning on finishing the story real soon but I had so much homework from my AP classes and I'm so sore from ROTC I just wanted to sleep. Okay anyways here's chapter 17 (I didn't prof read this one or the next chapter, so deal with my errors)

Shawn left Maya about 30 minutes ago, he went back home saying he needed to think of something that could work. She made him promise not to say anything and he did, so she trusted him. Maya was laying on her bed in her trashed room thinking of what to do, and what to say to her friends on Friday. Then she heard her phone buzz. She grabbed it and noticed she had about a billion texts and calls from her friends but the most recent one was from;

Branson: Hey baby! That was such great sex, why are you avoiding me?

Just make it stop
Maya started to cry when she read the message. She threw her phone across the room and cried into her hands. Until about 3 minutes later when she heard another buzz

Branson: I know you read my message! Now send me some nudes so I have something to Jack-off to later. Better yet send me a video of you naked. And don't make me remind you of the consequences!
Maya: You can fuck off! I'm done doing shit for you! I'm going to fucking kill you!
Branson: Bad girl! I have Riley staying with me after school tomorrow, and it would be a shame if I were to, oh I don't know...
Maya: You're a sick twisted fuck! I'm only 15 you rapist bitch!
Branson: As much as I love a little naughty talk baby I had about enough. I'm going to FaceTime you right now and I swear to god if you don't pick up I will fuck Riley so hard to the point where she can't walk anymore

FaceTime request from Seth
Popped up on Maya's screen
Fuck fuck fuck fuck!
Maya accepted the call and was about to call him a rapist again until he spoke

"There you go baby, it's so much easier when you listen. Now I have some rules to lay out. You're going to so whatever I tell you to do, and IF you don't listen or complain AT ALL I am not even giving you a warning I will take Riley I don care anymore understood?

I hate him so much I just want this to stop!
"Yeah..." Maya spoke quietly
"YES SIR!" Seth corrected

Maya closed her eyes and counted to three then opened them and said
"Yes sir."
"Wait I don't like that, call me daddy" Seth said proudly
Fuck no! Fuck you
"Are you serious?" Maya asked annoyed and holding back tears
"Whatever, just get naked in front of the camera while I jerk-off"
No! Hell no fuck you why would I ever-.....Riley...
Maya blinked back tears and said "for Riley" under her breath before doing as Mr.Branson asked.

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