Winter Wonderland

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I looked out the window into the winter wonderland. I smiled slightly as I took in the snow and the little kids playing. I knew that it would melt too soon, and the happiness it brings will be gone. Sighing I grabbed my coat and walked outside. 

 "Ethan?" I asked, looking for my little brother. Ethan came running over to me will a snowball in his hands. I grinned, "Whatcha got there?" 

 "A snowball!" He exclaimed. I let my eyes get wide and pretended to gasp.

"Really?" Ethan nodded vigorously, "And what do you plan on doing with that snow ball?" I asked him. He looked around and then gestured for me to bend down. 

"I'm going to through it at Susy." Ethan whispered; I looked at him, dissapointed. 

"Now, Ethan, that's not very nice." I scolded lightly, he shrugged.

 "It's winter and it's snow! Someone's going to throw a snowball at her! It might as well be me!" I laughed slightly at that. I looked over at Susy who was giggling at her sister. Her sister just happened to be my best friend. 

 "Even then," I whispered, "If you like her, throwing snowballs at her isn't the way to show it." I watched as he shook his head, his cheeks getting pink. I laughed quietly. "Now, snowball down and go ask her if she wants to come in for hot chocolate." Ethan nodded, putting the snowball on the ground. I watched as he ran over to Susy, trying not to fall. I saw his mouth moving and Susy's grin getting bigger as she nodded. He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the house. Emily shook her head at Ethan and Susy as she started following them.

 "Noel!" Ethan shouted. I looked over to him.

 "Yea Ethan?" He smiled widely.

 "Can I have some hot chocolate now?" Grinning, I nodded and the four of us walked into the house. 

As the time passed by, I watched Ethan and Susy. I smiled when I saw how cute they looked together; Emily sat beside me watching them. 

 "Noel, you'll have someone eventually." I grimaced at the topic she opened up. She glanced at me and rolled her eyes. "Noel, all you have to do is look around you. You will find someone." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

 "I don't want to talk about this." I told her, rising. "I'll be back soon." I said, walking out into the brisk, cool air of December. I scolded myself for not grabbing a jacket, but I wasn't going back in there now. I walked quickly, trying to get to my destination. I knew I wouldn't be out too long, it was still snowing and it was freezing. I smiled in relief when I reached the park. I walked to the swings and sat down. It was almost dark, and I knew that I need to be home soon, even though I practically just left. 

 A figure began walking towards me and I frowned. Why would anyone else be out here? Shaking my thoughts away I wrapped my arms around me, trying to stay warm. I watched as they walked over to the swing set and sat in the swing beside me. I glanced over to them, but only for a moment. It was a male, about my age; he smiled at me and I hesitantly smiled back. I looked away for a moment and when I looked back he was taking off his coat. 

 "I'm fine." I objected as he handed it to me. He gave me a flat look that I returned. "I'm fine." I insisted, but he wasn't taking no for an answer.  I sighed as I was forced to accept the coat. "I really don't need this." I said, gesturing to the jacket. He shrugged.

"I don't need it right now, and you're shivering." I sighed as I realized I wasn't as cold anymore. I glared at the ground when I heard the boy chuckle. 

"I'm Nick" He said, and held out his hand for me to shake. I looked at him wearily, but took his hand anyway. 

"I'm Noel." I told him and he smiled.

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