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After Nick introduced me to his family I asked him to take me back home. When we got back to my house we sat inside, drinking hot chocolate. 

“So,” he started. “I assume you have a lot of questions?” I nodded.

“A ton.” He chuckled.

“Alright, let’s hear it.” 

I thought about which questions I wanted to ask first. I went with the more obvious one. I mean, I wanted to know how he and Emily were related. Might as well ask that first.

“How are you and Em related?” I asked him. He chuckled at me.

“She’s my sister.” I nodded. I started noticing the similarities. They both had the same eyes. The same hair. 

“Twins?” I guessed. He nodded. 

“Alright, next question.” I thought about this one. Would he answer it? I’m sure he would. He’s been completely honest so far... I couldn’t help but feel a little doubtful.

“How’d you find me?” I asked him. He seemed a bit hesitant. He finally answered.

“Emily.” I looked at him, an eyebrow raised. He seemed to not know how to answer my question. He sighed. “Emily sent me a letter, granted I had already knew every piece of information that was in the letter, but she sent one anyway.” I looked at him. 

“Wait, you mean when we were writing our letters this year she wrote that?” Nick sheepishly nodded. I groaned. “Great.” He laughed slightly.

“Don’t worry, it wasn’t that bad.” I rolled my eyes. 

“Are you kidding me? I know what she rights in her damn letters.” I laid back and closed my eyes. I felt the couch dip next to me. I felt Nick’s breath by my ear. 

“I promise,” he whispered, “it didn’t change anything I already thought about you.” I slightly smiled. I turned my head a moved back a little bit. I looked at him.

“Really?” I asked him. He raised his hand up and cupped my cheek. 

“Really.” He whispered. I smiled at him. He leaned in, and I did too. When his lips met mine, I knew that he was different. 

I knew that no matter what he would always be there. With me and Elliot. 


Awh <3 

hehe . 

Wasn't that sweet ? 

Well, it's over noww.  I'm actually kind of glad. But anyway. If anyone wants to continue this, or make it a full on story, let me know and I'll let you . :D

Anyways. You know the drill

Thank youu . :)

- Katie x

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