Chapter 7: Brave

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It was a new year, and I was determined to right the wrongs I'd done. One way or antoher, I'd get Kevin back. And I'd do it while staying true to myself.

I opened up to Kurt about it at lunch. "My boyfriend's upset with me. But I don't want to lose him. He means a lot to me. What should I do?"

He smiled for perhaps the first time in days. I didn't see the depression anymore. I saw my friend for who he was. "Tell him exactly how you feel. Fear is stupid."

"Yeah." Easier said than done... "I think Kevin's just confused."

"You know you're right."

So I confronted Kevin the next day after school. I thought about how Kurt would want me to be. He always thought I was so brave; he'd told me that.

"Hey dear," I muttered, giving the impression of confidence that Kurt helped instill in me.

"Hi, Stefanie."

"Kevin, I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for making you jealous. I just want to assure you that there's no one I'd rather be with than you. I missed you. And just so you know, Kurt Cobain's the one who encouraged me to talk to you again."

He looked like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. "Oh. Well, I'm sorry for being judgemental. And I forgive you."

I extended my arms to hug him, and he accepted the embrace. "Things are gonna be okay, right?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm trying to fix this," Kevin whispered.

"We'll do it together."

About a week later, Helen and I were carrying our heavy gym bags through the hallway, when I saw a few boys and one girl surrounding a familiar figure. Kurt.

Girls weren't supposed to defend guys. It wasn't something done. Furthermore, how could I face 4 people? My mind told me to stay back, but my gut instinct told me to go do something.

I looked at Helen, who took my arm and tried to hold me back gently. "I'm gonna go," I demanded. She let go and nodded.

Taking a huge step forward, I inhaled heavily. Upon sight, I noticed a muscular guy holding Kurt's neck. The other two guys were sneering, and the girl was saying something to them.

"Hey," I snapped. "Stop that now." The entire group looked astonished.

"Aren't you Kevin Romano's girlfriend? That well-dressed smart chick?" asked the shortest of the 3 boys.

"I'm more than just that. I'm Kurt Cobain's friend," I stated. "What are you guys doing?"

"N... nothing?" stammered the girl. "We're just kidding around."

"Tell that to Kurt. Will..." I said to the big guy, recognizing him from my lit class, "why are you doing this? Don't make me stop you."

He let go of Kurt, scoffing. "None of your business. You're a girl. Girls are weak. And you're a halfie. Half-white, half-Asian."

Racism and sexism were two things I couldn't stand. "What the hell kind of difference does that make?" I nearly shouted. "I won't condone bullying. Don't you dare hurt that boy."

"Watch me," snapped Will, punching my friend in the lower abdomen. Now he's crossed the line, I thought.

Finally Kurt spoke. "Aaagh!" He screamed in pain as Will's fist hit him. "Listen up. Just because Stef's a girl doesn't mean she can't beat the f****** crap out of you!"

Motivated by anger, I slapped Will's forearm and then kicked his calf. "Leave Kurt alone." He flinched and let go of the victim, his jaw wide open.

"Stef, I didn't know you stuck up for losers like-" started the short guy, but by that point both Kurt and I had walked away together.

"That was the bravest thing I've ever seen anyone here do," Kurt confessed.

"I told you I was going to be here for you," I said, taking his hand.

Dear fans, thank you for sticking with me! And yeah... I censored out the f-bomb for the faint of heart. But hey, that's the kind of language Kurt probably woulda used. Thanks for reading! I promise I'll try to write more soon!

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