Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones... Pt 1

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“Okay, the day is almost over and nothing’s happened. I’ll be fine…..right?” I was trying to calm myself down by talking to myself, as I usually would, hoping that maybe the more I repeated the lies the more believable they would become. It was the end of the school day already, and for most that would be a big relief, but for me that was rarely the case. They would usually do their worse right after school, when the teachers weren’t looking, when there weren’t any witnesses to back me up; as if anyone would help me anyways. Everyone hated that “psychopathic murderer girl”, even the people who used to be slightly nice to me dared not even look near me for fear of being associated with me and having to endure whatever tortures I had to endure. Amanda was the only one who stayed with me- she was also the only one who didn’t believe that I had killed all those girls that Freddy had actually been killing.

                     I’m not even 100% sure how the police had begun connecting me to their deaths in the first place. I believe they had some sort of fingerprint evidence of me on one of the girls or something stupid like that, so they had assumed that I had something to do with her and overnight I became the main suspect in multiple, gruesome, murder cases.

                   I suddenly remembered what I had originally been doing and shook my head from side-to-side, snapping myself out of my thoughts. I continued sorting through the textbooks and sketchbooks I would need for the rest of the day, making deposits of books and papers to withdraw more books and papers. I heard a darkly familiar noise behind me and craned my head just in time to see a large group of teenagers- including the blonde- herding other popular teens. The blonde from lunch was chatting while arm-in-arm with some short haired football jock when she, while giggling to some comment or other, looked over at me. Our eyes met- hers narrowed slightly and she smiled at me the same way I’d seen Freddy smile at some of his victims in their dreams, except hers wasn’t as intense as his was. I felt my eyes grow wide and my jaw drop a slight bit. She cackled, obviously noticing and enjoying my unintentional reaction, and turned her head back to the other teenagers who were also chatting in a slightly low and quick fashion.

I blinked quickly for a short moment, clearing myself of what had just occurred.

“That was…..unusual….” I told myself. I felt the wave of worry and paranoia slam into me so hard I almost felt nauseous right then and there; I might have thrown up had I not to be more focused on trying to stay standing upright. I shook my head….which wasn’t a good idea considering the sudden nausea….. and called myself silly, that I had just imagined the whole thing, that I had just misinterpreted what had happened or was blowing it out of proportion. Yet the little voice that resided in the back of everyone’s consciousness was screaming otherwise.

I crouched down, quickly gathered whatever I had out into my self-designed backpack, gathered the slightly heavy load on my back, stood back up and slammed my locker shut, wincing slightly at the sound, and began quickly walking off, keeping a fast yet steady pace.

                          I twisted up and down the hallways, trying to avoid bumping into others as much as I could during my slightly frantic dashing away from school. The hallways were clearing out fast of other students, faster than usual; it was a Friday, what could I expect? I never took the bus home because of how the others would sometimes treat me so I had begun walking home sometime earlier in the year. I exhaled a slight bit of relief when the double-doors to the back of the school were in sight, and I made a mad dash for them, hoping to get out of here sooner rather than later. I slammed my body weight, which wasn’t very much, into the doors, thrusting them open with a metallic groaning, only to see them…..many of them….gathered in a half-circle around the stone stairs of which I was standing upon.

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