Chapter 14

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The group stayed silent. The only sounds came from the children in the nearby campsite.

"If she's really gone, what would have happened to her?" Trina asked.

"So, did she just vanish or what?" Stacy pressed.

"Okay, I don't think thinking about Stephanie is important right now", Xander pointed out. "We have to figure out what to do now. Like, where that creepy person is".

"WAIT! If this really is a thousand years, and that mysterious person was able to know we would be here- wouldn't that mean that they are here?" Wyatt inquired. The thought brought curiosity to it's highest level.

"SO, should we go back to the place where we all blacked out?" Tara asked.

"It's worth a try, I guess", Fel shrugged.

"Let's GO then! I want to go back to our era not here!" Stacy exclaimed.

Nodding, they all followed her lead.


The person saw the seven in the Crimson Forest.

"Let them come and see what I have in store for them". The person said with a wicked grin through the darkness.


"Are we there yet or did almost EVERYTHING change from the past?" Xander whined.

Fel shot him a lethal glare.

"Okay, I'm also thinking this is a LOST CAUSE", proclaimed Maria.

"NO!" snapped Stacy. "We HAVE to try to find the hide out or, whatever! We want to go HOME, we want our FRIEND back. THAT'S IT".

"Yeah, I agree with her", Trina said.

"Me too. But, how about instead of looking here, we go to our houses and see how much has changed?" piped up Tara.

"Works for me. Maybe we could question the neighbors", Wyatt suggested.

"Should we go back to the asylum and see?" Fel asked, already withdrawing the question.

"NO. WAY."

"So, do we continue looking for the hideout or go home first?" Trina asked intervening.


"I think going home is safer then trying to look here", Xander said already heading for the road.

Shrugging, they all followed him out-

not knowing what was coming for them...

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