Chapter 1// Home

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I was cleaning up my wounds and cuts from the glass the was thrown at me. Typical. My mother was ranting about me again. She was being horrid because I refused to fix my eyes. I was born with bloodshot eyes. The Crimson colors always scared everyone around me. When I was born my mother looked at me with disgust. The nurses were terrified of me. My father blames my mother for birthing a demon child. The only reason I'm alive is because in my town it is forbidden to rid of a first born child. So here I am living my so called life. I consider my life as a curse. I always told myself that things will get better, but so far, everything only gets worse by the minute.

After cleaning and bandaging my wounds, I sit on my bed looking out the window. I sighed. I closed my eyes and started humming. Singing always made me feel better. The only thing about me that people aren't afraid of is my voice. I sang and sang until my throat hurt. That's when things started to go downhill. I heard a crash downstairs which startled me. I opened my door to only see my mother and father run up the stairs. They looked furious. The closer they got the more terrified I was. They came into my room and walked towards me. I back up into a corner. I was so scared I was physically shaking. My father raised his hand and slapped me. He then grabbed me by the hair while my mother slapped me as well.

"How dare you!!! You little runt!!!"

"Mother! Please! What did I do!?"

"What did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO!? I had forbidden you to step foot outside this house and yet you disobeyed me!!! Don't act like I don't know! Thanks to your "friend" Jenna, she told me about you leaving the house to meet her behind the oak tree!!!"

I looked at my mother with tears in my eyes. Jenna, who was my only friend. The only person who accepted me and cared for me. She betrayed me. She knew I would get I trouble if I left the house, and she back stabbed me. I couldn't believe it. My father threw me down while my mother kicked me. They looked at me in disgust. My father spat at me and they both walked out slamming the door behind them. I sat up rubbing the spit and tears off myself. I looked out the window and cried. I didn't understand why I was treated this way. That's when an idea struck me. I've decided to leave. Tonight. No one has ever returned from Mt. Ebott. And since my parents hate me so much, I bet they won't care what happens. I've decided. Tonight is the night I leave the world and enter another world. A world of white. A world where I can finally be free. Tonight is the night. My decision is made...

To be continued...

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