Chapter 9// The Argument

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"I-i'm so sorry!!! I-i didn't m-mean to break it A-sriel. Please, I-i'm sorry..."

"That's a lie! You knew how special that was to me! You knew it meant everything to me. But you still went and took it, and now look at the state it's in! I hate you Chara!"

Inside, I was hurt that he accused me of breaking such a valuable item. It started late at night in Asriel's room. We were sitting on the bed when Asriel held my hand.

"Hey Chara, I wanna show you something."

He let go of my hand and walked over to his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a silver chest with beautiful vines engraved all over the sides. On the lid was a flower. A buttercup to be exact. He sat down next to me and looked at it with careful eyes.

"Inside here, is the most precious thing I've ever owned. It means the world to me. And I wanted to show you it."

I nodded and scooted closer to Asriel. He carefully opened the lid and inside was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It was a silver ring with small delicate vines carved into it and it had a buttercup on top. But, the most beautiful thing about the ring, was the diamond resting inside the flower. The diamond was small, but gorgeous. It was red, with hints of blue that sparkled when the light hit it.

"This Chara, is a ring that mom made me. She spent years carefully forging the ring and finding the perfect jewel."

Inside, I was amazed by it's beauty, but I was also a little jealous that mom didn't make me one.

"It's beautiful Asriel, your so lucky to have it."

"Yea, I am really lucky."

He closed the lid and put it back in his desk. he took a golden key from his pocket and locked the drawer. I was confused as to why he had to lock it. I looked at him with my head cocked to the side with a questioning look on my face.

"uhh, I just want to make sure its safe. Well, I think it's time for supper Chara, let's go eat."

I nodded and followed Asriel. I looked at the drawer once more. I knew I had to see the ring again. I looked at the drawer again, and closed the door. As we ate, all I could think about was the ring. There was something about it, that i can't describe. It just seemed to lure me in and put me in a daze. I devised a plan to get that ring without Asriel noticing. So I waited to strike. Soon after supper, Asriel went to shower. I waited for the right moment to sneak in. Whiling he was showering, I quietly looked through his clothes until I found the key. I sneaked out and headed for his room. I left the door open slightly so I could hear him. I walked towards the desk and unlocked the drawer. I took out the box and held it in my hands. The cold smooth surface took my breath away. I opened the lid and looked at the ring. I held it up and put it on my ring finger. It fit perfectly. It was stunningly beautiful and I just couldn't look away. That' when I heard footsteps up the stairs. I started to panic. I slid the ring in my pocket and put the box back in the drawer and locked it. i then put his key on top of his clothes cabinet and jumped on his bed. Then Asriel walked in.

"Oh, Chara. What are you doing in my room?"

"I uh had to, look for my sweater. Um, darn, where could that pesky sweater be? hehe"

"Um, Chara, your wearing it."

I looked down and saw that I was wearing my sweater. I blushed and looked at Asriel.

"Wow! Would you look at that! I found it! Welp, gotta go, bye!"

I ran out of his room and dashed straight into my room. I closed the door and took a deep breath. I took out the ring and smiled. I put it on and sighed. What a beautiful ring I thought. Maybe I'll return it later. I decide to visit Sans and Papyrus. I put on my red scarf and my boots and grabbed my bag and headed over there. I spent about 2 hours there telling puns and cooking with Papyrus. They asked about my ring and I told them that it was a present from a friend. I left their house and started to walk home. That's when I tripped over a rock and I held out my hands to catch myself, but I ended up hurting my wrist. I looked at my hand and noticed that the ring was gone. I looked around frantically, until I noticed shiny pieces of metal on the ground. I stopped dead in my tracks and picked up the pieces. It was indeed the ring. I had broken it. I held the jewel in my hands and started thinking about how I could fix this. Maybe Alphys can put it back together. I started to cry. I was afraid at what Asriel was going to say. I then heard footsteps behind me. I was too afraid to turn around.

"Chara, are you ok? What happened?"

I turned around slowly and saw Asriel standing there. I looked away and cried harder.

"Chara, look at me. What's wrong? And...what's in your hands...?

I couldn't move, so Asriel held my hand and opened my palms. He looked at me with a disgusted look on his face. He let go of my hand and stood up.

"Is that... my ring...?"

I nodded and cried even more.

"How did you even get to it? I locked the drawers!" he started to raise his voice.

"I-i took your -k-keys w-when you were in t-the s-showers..."

I couldn't look at him.

"I-i'm so sorry!!! I-i didn't m-mean to break it A-sriel. Please, I-i'm sorry..."

"That's a lie! You knew how special that was to me! You knew it meant everything to me. But you still went and took it, and now look at the state it's in! I hate you Chara!"

I felt dead inside. Like something had snapped. He, hated me. Our relationship, gone. We were no longer friends, nevertheless siblings anymore. I looked up at Asriel. He looked hurt, but shocked that he said that. I stopped crying.

"Chara... I didn't mean it... I-i didn't mean it like tha- w-wait Chara! Wait!!!"

I didn't let him finish his sentence. I stood up and ran. I ran and cried. I didn't know where I was going, but it didn't matter. I held onto the broken ring and ran. I ran until I ran out of breath. I stopped and collapsed. I curled up into a ball and cried. I cried and cried. I let the cold air and freezing snow around me numb myself. I didn't want to feel the pain of Asriel's words. he told me he hated me. I never meant to break the ring. I just wanted to wear it. I cried and cried until everything turned black.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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