Chapter 2// the leap

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It's midnight. I looked out my window for the last time. Moonlight spills through and illuminates my room. I look at my bed, the place where most of my thoughts and tears fell. I looked at my drawings, the ones where I drew myself with my mother and father, happy. I looked at my books, they were the things that helped relieve my painful thoughts. I looked at the oak tree, the place where I met Jenna. Memories flowed in my head. I felt a tear fall down my cheek, I rubbed it away. "This is not the time to be sorrowful, I need to do this..." I thought to myself. It's now or never... I looked at my room one last time and walked out of my room. I walked quietly past my parents room and out the door. I walked up the mountain not realizing it was cold. I was uncontrollably shaking, but soon my body had become numb and I couldn't feel the cold anymore. I'm now at the top of the mountain looking down at the dark abyss. I looked at the world one last time. I closed my eyes and took a step forward. I didn't realize that a vine hooked my my foot, until it was too late. I tripped forward and fell. My stomach lurched while my heart leaped into my throat. I was scared but relieved. Finally, all my sorrows and pain will be over. I closed my eyes, letting the wind caress my body. I waited for the ground to greet me, but instead life had sometime else planned for me.

I woke up with my head throbbing in pain. I looked around. I noticed I was sitting in a pile of yellow buttercups. Their scent was pleasant. I looked up at the hole of which I fell in. Soft grey light was seeping through the hole, shining the place I was in. I looked at myself, I only found a few scratches and bruises but nothing major. I felt something off inside me. I sat there not knowing what to do, my mind was blank and I couldn't move anymore. I didn't realize that tears were flowing down my face, I just felt dead inside.

"Is dying just to much to ask...?" I whispered.

"Hello...? Is someone there...?

I looked up and saw something odd. He was short and was a wearing green-yellow striped sweater. He was a goat I think? He looked at me full of concern. He moved closer to me. I was quite frightened and I back away. I wiped my tears away and stood up. He only moved closer. I held my hands up in fear and tripped. He stopped and looked at me with sympathy. He held his hand out.

"Please...don't be scared. My name is Asriel. Asriel Dreemur. Please, I want to help you. I won't hurt you I promise... What's your name human?"


"Not much of a talker huh?" Asriel said chuckling.

"I-I'm Chara..."

"Chara? What a pretty name. Well Chara, welcome to the Ruins. It looks like you fell, come with me. My parents will help you get better."

His hands still out, I took it and he gently pulled me up. I fell, but he caught me. He held me by my elbow and my back and lead me through the large purple doors. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back blushing a little bit.

"Welcome to my home Chara..."

To be continued...

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