Looking In All The Wrong Places

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Joeys pov;

Here I am once again in a gay bar. Music pumping hard its difficult to hear people and your ears feel like they are bleeding by the end of the night. Drunken strangers dancing around trying to grind on you every chance they get. While I'm here trying to amuse myself because I have nothing better to do.

I decided to grab my fourth drink at the bar when i see this gorgeous being across the bar that looks way to pretty to be in a place like this. I quickly scaled down my drink and by the time I turned around he's gone. Was it my imagination playing tricks on me blessing me with what looks like an god. "Maybe I should get some air" i say to myself trying not to look crazy.

By the time i was outside i noticed the gorgeous being i had seen before. Maybe im not crazy after all. But what should i do. Should i go and say hi or give him my number and say call me. OMG he just turned around im starring but thats okay...... Right. I take in everything hes wairing his lite blue skinny jeans and white t-shirt under a red flannel cloth long sleeve with a crystal necklace his hair styled really cutely and oh my god his eyes i could......

?; helloooooooo.... ummmm sur
Are you okay..... Hello?

Joey; OH um sorry i was just...

?; starring. Yeah i noticed hahaha whats your name sweetie?

Joey; yeah hahaha sorry. My name is joey, Joey graceffa and you name is?

?; daniel, daniel preda

He said mocking me with a cute little giggle. His smile i could just look his gorgeous face all day how could some one look that perfect. And have a great taste in clothing let alone drop dead sexy. Daniel.... Thats a cute name i mean i can see myself screaming that while having sex, i mean thats if if it happens.

Daniel; hello joey
Your doing that starring thing again, are you are? Hellllooooooo

Joey; shit! Im so sorry i just cant help it your so gorgeous i just cant like no. See i dont even know what im saying maybe i should go." i say as i start to walk off daniel quickly grabbing my arm nicely

Daniel; No stay, i mean if you want to i cant force you by i would very much enjoy your company joey" he says with the cutes smile its hard to say no

Joey;okay but only or alittle bit i have to head home soon its like 2 in the morning hahaha

Daniel; yeah your right hahaha but thats okay you seem like a really nice guy and i would love to get to know you out side of this bar.

Joey; that soulds like a marvellous idea which i would very much enjoy.

Daniel; that sounded so formal hahaha but i think it is a marvellous idea as well joey do you think that i could have your number and we can plan a date or just to hang out. " he said with an even cuter smile than before

Joey; of course ;) i wouldn't see why not."

i handed him my phone and he handed me his phone. I typed in my number and set my name as joey xxx. I gave him back his phone back and he gave mine back to i looked at the name and it read dannyboy <3 i smiled and got a notification on my phone

Dannyboy <3

I smiled again and looked up at him

Joey; yes its me hahaha

Daniel; hahaha good just making shore its not rigged like the teen choice awards and it realy is you hahahaha

I laughed and realised that i needed to get home i called a cabe so that should be here in 5 minutes

Joey ;sorry daniel but i have to go or im going to be late for the cabe

Daniel ; oh its okay it was nice meeting you and i realy do hope this turns into something beautiful, just like you

Daniel started to lean in for a kiss so i did as well And OMG this wasn't just a ordinary kiss this was magical, fantastical and beautifulcal (an; yes i know thats not a word but it is now)
I felt something and im pretty darn sure he did to. I look him in tge the eyes one last time and whisper good bye and peck his lips

On my way running to the cabe i couldn't keep my mind of him and i think it will stay that way for a while even on the way home it was almost impossible to stop thinking about him. I payed the taxi guy and run to unlock my door cuz why walk when I'm scared of the dark and your alone i don't know. Any way i run upstarts and and jumped on my bed snuggling up to skarkyB and drifting of to sleep with dannyboys gorgeousness in my mind. Hhmmmmm i wonder if he's a top or bottom? I wouldn't mind with both. Stop it joey i say to my self this time drifting of into a deep sleep........ Deep in his......... JOEY STOP!!! This time i doze away thinking of dannyboys ass..... I mean eyes yeay eyes thats it not ass hehehehehe.

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