Forever Alone

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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm starting this story for NaNoWriMo but if it ends up well then I will probably continue it. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow... What's a good title for this? Here's what it's about:

Raelin never really had any "best friends". Sure, she had about eight close friends, but she never told anyone her deepest secret: her crush, a boy named Noah. This boy was in the same choir as Raelin, and he was interested in the brown-eyes and brown-hair girl who dressed in skinny jeans and a baggy t-shirt. They became really close friends, but they soon individually realized that they liked each other. Raelin knew Noah liked her, but she couldn't ask him out.

That would be too awkward.

So yeah. Tell me what you think in the comments below! I'll upload the first chapter tomorrow! Thanks for reading! :)

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