Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first chapter. I'm going on vacation for a few days tomorrow and won't be able to update until Sunday-ish, but I'll have my phone so feel free to pm or comment! Here we go... PS: I changed the name from Danny to Noah... Don't ask why!

Raelin's POV

            “Bye, Mom,” I angrily stated into my new iPhone.

            “Bye Raelin! And remember, make some new friends at choir!” I pressed the end button before she could torture me with more words. Today was the first day of choir camp for the State Choir. I was pretty nervous about meeting new people, especially since I am very antisocial. My normal Friday night is spent with my video camera, making videos about anything and everything I want. It was a Monday afternoon, and I was getting picked up by another choir member who lived in the same town in about an hour. I did not know who they were or their name.

            Wait. An hour? That’s not enough time to do anything! I have to straighten my hair, get changed, organize my folder, how am I supposed to do this in an hour? I thought as I bounded up the stairs and into the shower. The warm water on my skin helped me relax and sort out my thoughts. I jumped out, dried my hair, and got changed. I can’t look too casual, but I can’t dress like I’m going to a formal dinner! I debated in my head and finally decided on a shirt with my school name on it and my favorite pair of skinny jeans. I hopped into the bathroom connected to my room and started heating up my straightening iron. I quickly straightened my hair and checked the time. Fifteen minutes to eat lunch! I bounded down the stairs, two at a time.

            I popped a can of soup into the microwave and turned up the radio. Yes! My favorite song was on! I started jumping around like a maniac and screaming the words. “I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire, ‘cause I am a champion! And you’re gonna hear me roar!” The microwave beeped, indicating the end to my little session of craziness. I sat down and devoured the hot can, burning my tongue. Three minutes. I hopped up and grabbed my folder as I sat by the door. Pretty soon, I heard the familiar ding dong of my doorbell, indicating the arrival of my carpool.

            Opening the door, I saw a boy on the other side. His face quickly lit up as he blurted, “Hi. I’m Noah.”

A/N: So that's the first chapter! If I come back on Sunday and have 15+ reads and 15+ votes, I might give you an update! Otherwise, Monday...


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