Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! I haven't uploaded a chapter in over a week, because I didn't get 8 votes and 6 comments until today, and that was on the whole story! Anyways, thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter!

Raelin’s POV:

            The car ride to the high school where we were rehearsing was silent except for the radio, which was playing pop music at a loud volume. I wanted to say something, but I didn’t want to make things awkward. Well, things were already super awkward, so I gave talking a try.

            “So, Noah,” I started. As soon as I said a word, he turned around, a smile he was trying to hide clearly visible, “how long have you been in the State Choir?”

            “Um, this is my third year,” he replied, his cheeks turning red. “But it’s my first year in the Senior High choir, since I’m an eighth grader. What about you?”

            So we were the same age. Well that’s one thing we have in common! The Senior High choir was for students from eighth grade until seniors in high school. “Uh, this is my first year in the State Choir at all.” He slowly nodded and turned halfway around, focusing his endless hazel eyes back on the road ahead of us. I was offered the opportunity to take in his features, and I gladly seized it.

His hair was a light brown mixed with dark blonde, my favorite hair color. His lips were pursed together in a straight line, and when he talked, his teeth were covered by braces. He was just a little shorter than me, which I smiled at. I was at least a head shorter than every other person in my school. I was awaiting my growth spurt of at least six inches. His whole face was beautiful, and his clothing was adorable. He was wearing a faded blue shirt, and his lacrosse shorts had something to do with waffles or something. When he spoke, electricity shocked through my body.

I’ve never had a real “crush” on someone before. All the guys from my school are players. But I could tell something was different about Noah. I didn’t know what yet, but I was determined to figure it out.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll update when I get 5+ votes and 3+ comments on THIS CHAPTER specifically! Thanks for reading! See ya soon!

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