Chapter 2

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A/N: So this is my second chapter! It's a little longer than the other ones, so here ya go!

Noah's POV:

“Noah!” My mom screeched as she headed out the door.

            “Mom!” I yelled back, trying to have a good comeback. It didn’t work.

            “Noah. If you don’t get out of bed, you will miss your first day of camp! And we are responsible for picking up another girl and taking her to camp with you! So you can come down here this instant because I am very angry at you and you have thirty minutes to get ready! I’ll be back in about twenty five!” And with that, she was out the door.

            It only took me twenty minutes to get ready. I hopped in the shower, gently warming up my voice. I hopped out and changed into my most comfortable clothes. I was going to be singing for over five hours, so I might as well be comfortable. I ran downstairs and poured a bowl of cereal. I ate it in about thirty seconds. I was starving. I ran back upstairs and combed my hair. I heard the back door open, and instinctively ran into the closet, thinking someone had broken into the house. When I heard my mom on the phone with my dad, I hopped out of the closet. Why were my parents talking? They have been divorced since I was eight, about 5 years. I was very confused.

            Hurrying back downstairs with my folder in one hand and my water bottle occupying the other, I grabbed my iPhone off of the counter and hurried out the front door. When I noticed that my mom was not in the car, I ran back inside. “Mom!” I called, my voice echoing through our large house. My older sister, Sadie, came upstairs and hugged me. She is way too nice.

            “Mom’s talking to Dad, so I’ll drive you and the other person to camp!” She cheered, her bright blue eyes exploding with excitement.

            “Fine, but don’t let me die or scream. I have to sing for five hours!” We walked outside and into the car, my lacrosse shorts and blue shirt contrasting with the tan leather seats. The car ride went by without us getting in a crash, and within five minutes we were outside the girl’s house. I didn’t know anything about her, but her house was beautiful. The baby blue color went perfectly with the faded yellow shutters, all bringing out my destination: the dark purple front door.

            I slowly strolled up, trying to figure out what to say. Hi. I’m Noah. I’m your carpool to choir rehearsal. How are you? What’s your name? My plan quickly vanished as I knocked on the front door. It opened, and a beautiful girl with dark brown eyes and auburn hair replaced the piece of wood.

            “Hi. I’m Noah.” Smooth, Noah. Smooth. I was too absorbed in her eyes and I stuttered out a response.

            “I’m Raelin. Are you my ride?” She shyly asked, barely audible.

            “Yeah. Follow me.” I replied. Oh. My. God. She is beautiful!

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll update when I get 8+ votes and 5+ comments! Thanks for reading!

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