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I just wanted to say this before you start.
I'm not good at grammar, writing, or any of the sort...And this has no plot...so I'm winging it XD This will probably be confusing as hell, lol. sorry
Watch me butcher his personality and try to sound cool :')...I'm also very stupid in things like guns, army, government. Anything similar to those, just keep reading so I can make a fool outta myself



My smirk stays planted on my face as I continue to walks through the halls. 

Both of my hands snuck in my pockets. In my right palm, I felt the small box of cigarettes.

The windows lining the wall illuminates enough light to see the dust flouting in the air.

Explosions and gunshots could be heard. I stopped for a second as I listen to Undyne bark a few orders.

She didn't seem pleased and from what I'm hearing, a slight tint of worry was in her words.

My footsteps slightly echo as I continue walking.

I let out a long sigh as take a quick glance at the window.

a human was pointing a sniper at me.

He was behind the wall that separated the monsters base to the outside, the man was quite the distance away.

I stare blankly at him.

My smirk slightly falters as I hear Undyne let out a pained scream.

I pulled my right hand out my pocket and simply Snap my fingers.

My vision was slightly blurry for a few seconds but it quickly adjust.

I see a few humans with surprised looks but recover seconds after, aiming their guns at me.

I look down to see Undyne holding her left shoulder.

My left eyes vision suddenly had a yellow tinge as I raise my left hand towards them. 

About seven screeching sounds and a bright light lasted for a few seconds before completely disappearing.

I lazily looked back up to see what use to be a group of humans, now a pile of useless ash.

There was one or two surprisingly undamaged looking weapon and maybe some burning flesh or cloth I missed or didn't get burned.

Undyne look relief for a second before standing up with a pained expression.

I examined her.

Her armor was defiantly damaged and I could see s few spots where the bullets pierced through.

"Hey, you ok?" I said, my voice laced with concern as I hesitate to help her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine" she lets a cough escape her mouth.

"Heh, you don't look so good" I mumble, straiten up again, knowing she doesn't want my help.

"then why'd you ask?" She ask with slight amusement.

I shrug, not really having an answer

she'll live.

she've been through worse.

I look back at the entrance of the wall.

I saw a bit of a silhouette of what looks like a human, I grumble a few curses under my breath as I look back at Undyne, she was being helped up by a few other monsters.

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