Your Hidden Talent

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Hunter: singing // you were always too shy to sing in front of anyone. Hunter first heard you singing in your room and he was definitely surprised but he was so happy for you:)

Brandon: dancing // Brandon also caught you in your room while you were cleaning and he quietly watched you do what you love and he was in awe at how good you were.

Jacob: athletic ability // you didn't tell Jacob but you loved all things sports and spent a lot of time playing them. Jacob found out when you were hanging out with friends and playing kickball. A smile arose on his face as he watched you do your thang😂😏(slay girl slayyyy)

Blake: writing skills // writing was your passion but nobody knew about it because you usually kept things to yourself. But Blake found your journal with all your stories and he couldn't believe it.

Weston: photography // Weston didn't know you were a photographer even though it wasn't that big of a deal to you. You loved to take artsy/girly pictures so when you took a flawless picture of the sunset, Weston was very curious and was very excited when he was looking through your pictures.

HOLY CRAP GUYS!! 40,000 READS!!! YOU ARE SO AMAZING!! AHHHHHH I LOVE YOU ALL❤️anyways I started a little book😏 and I'm not sure if I should post it buuuuut it's about a crush and a shy girl. But it's not a fanfic or anything. Still deciding on whether I should post or not🤔 comment if you have read every post for a follow:)) love y'all and hope you have a magnificent day☺️


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