Just Nothing

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Nothing is a very wholesome word.

Nothing can mean anything.

It's a lame excuse to ridicule someone, to make someone feel meaningless.

It's to remove the very substance of a human being and turn them into an object.

It's a word that a person can use to completely toss aside how they really feel.

It's a word of ignorance, plagued with remorse and defeat.

Its the word that can break the one you love's back.

Forking over generous, heaping portions of petty excuses and words yet to be said, if ever.

It's the feeling I feel when I'm without him.

A bottomless pit, inescapable even to the strongest of will.

A word someone can tack onto you like a dog leash.

A word that travels in your pockets and in your very fingers.

A grotesque distorted image of yourself in a mirror, that when you see, only looks like you.

It sleeps in your bed and feeds on your insecure doubt of mind.

A curse bestowed upon you by a "something".

It's like drowning in darkness.

Just nothing.


Not a thing.

Nothing really is a whole lot of something.

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