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Chapter 2

I sighed loudly; tiptoeing over the minefield of garbage that lay scattered in my path. Setting my bags on the bed in my parent's room, which thankfully, was clean. Smelling of lavender incense and lemon pledge. The sun had shifted into the late afternoon sky by then warming the room slightly. I remembered I loved taking naps in here when I was still small; the warmth of the sun on my back reminded me of a time I was happy.

I changed into a loose fitting top and jeans; tying my hair up in a messy bun, before grabbing a roll of garbage bags from the supply closet as I passed by it in the hallway. Nothing had changed much over the years since I've been gone it seemed. I totally bypassed Nina's room for the fear of finding yet another mess. It was already going to take me half the afternoon just to clean up the living room and the front lawn. If I had to clean up her room as well, I would surely miss my appointment to see her later at the hospital, which by the frustration I felt at that moment toward her, may not have been such a bad thing.

I had an hour or so before I had to be back at the hospital so I had to spark if I wanted to get everything done before I left. Following Cooper's instructions, I had a quick snack, an energy drink then directed my attention to the monstrous mess on the front lawn. It was an eyesore I had rather, the neighbors not be exposed to any longer.

One and a half hours and several garbage bags later, I finally began to see the light at the end of the very dark tunnel. I flopped my heavy wilted body down on the couch, for a well-deserved break. It had been a long day of nonstop scrubbing, vacuuming and dusting, and all I wanted was to take it all in for a few seconds before I had to return to the hospital. Nina was going to get a piece of my mind when I saw her later that was for damn sure. I never agreed to be her maid or her babysitter.

The agreement was that I would check-up on her now and again, while our parent were away, yet they had not even been gone a day and she had already forced me to rush down here in a panic and clean up her mess.

"This is utter nonsense," I was tired, fed-up, irritated, and annoyed. The fact, that I was talking to myself not even an afterthought.

After I had finished putting everything away, I realized that I was already late meeting Cooper at the hospital. There was no time to change or even take a shower. I just hoped I was not too late to see my sister. I was deep in thought when I passed Nina's bedroom door, wrestling with my jacket; keys clenched between my teeth and my cell phone tightly gripped in my free hand. The door was partially open, "What? How did ... I could have sworn it was closed. Wait, yes it was I remember now I didn't want to go in because," My voice hushed the instant I heard the vague thud coming from inside. Could one of Nina's party pals have been in there sleeping it off all this time, I wondered.

"HELLO?" I called, "HELLO, I-IS ANYONE IN THERE?" I raised my hands mentally slapping myself.

"What the hell Samantha, this is exactly what gets people in horror movies killed." I reached down removing one of my fluffy bunny slippers just as a percussion, only realizing the idiocy of my action when the floppy bunny ears hit me against the head, "Oh for God sake what exactly do you intend on doing with that? Bunny him to death?" I was acting like a frazzled teenager, something I had never been ... not even when I was a teenager.

I had survived the big city and all its perils on my own for the past 18 years; surely, I could handle this? Whatever, this turned out to be, I was sure I could handle it. I was no weakling after all; I was 5'5" 120 pounds with a body fat count of 0%. I had been taking kick boxing classes every night since I got to the city.

That being said; it was probably a raccoon that came in through the door or perhaps a rat. I was leaning more toward the latter, if the front lawn and the living room was any indication. I pushed back the door even further, my heart hammering in my throat, my mouth systematically becoming dry as a bone. "If it's an animal, it's going to be more scared of you than you are of it," I told myself.

Creep Book 1, Charlie-CharlieWhere stories live. Discover now