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Chapter 10

I felt unwell the second I set foot back in the house. It took all my courage not to run out again. If it was not for Cooper and Nina I would have. Nothing was as I had left it, it was as if a hurricane had swept through the entire place; not even my parents room was spared.

No one said anything, we all just stood in the doorway, except for Candice's grandmother it seemed shy was the only one brave enough to enter. She was busy chanting something sweeping a smoking sage bush across the walls.

"She's cleansing the house before we start. The bad energy left behind by what happened here will attract other evil if she doesn't." Candice explained.

"So, what's first?" I was anxious to start and get it over with maybe too anxious.

"Well, we need the board we used, but seeing as I threw it in the fire,"


OH," I exclaimed, "I have it, well I found it when I cleaned up. It wasn't completely destroyed only one yes and one no was burned. Cooper and I can just add our own."

"Sounds good Sammy, why don't you girls do that and Sam and I will find candles to light."

"Are we ready? Sammy? Neen's, Candy? You guys ready?" Cooper took charge.

"Cada el jugador tener un la pregunta. El la pregunta deber, tener que ser estra tener an encontrar aura, fu era done él ser star la plaza." The old woman said motioning to Candice.

"My grandmother says, we each have to ask Charlie one question and it must only be questions to find out where he's hiding."

"So what if let's say by the end I know where he is do I use my question to ask him if he's their?" I asked.

"Yes and if you are correct you and only you can ask him to leave. If it works that is." Candice explained.

"What if none of us know where he is?" Nina's negativity surfaces.

"Hey, don't we will find him and we will end this, I promise." I applauded Cooper's positive attitude, God know I too started to waver.

"You have one question, make it count." Cooper addressed each one of us.

"Bueno la suet," The old lady supported and we all knew what she meant.

"I'll go first," Candice said, "I was first in line that night anyway." We all sat with bated breath, hanging on Candice's, every word.

"Charlie, are you somewhere dark?" The pencil stayed still, then when we all look away it shifts with a sudden jerk, pointing to yes.

"I'll go next," Cooper volunteered.

"Charlie, are you? Is your hiding place faraway?" Again the pencil moved, but this time it pointed to no.

"Well at least we know his hiding place is dark and it's close." I said hoping that my question would seal the deal.

"Charlie, uhm? Is there? Are you alone ... hiding alone?" I wanted the ground to swallow me up right then. I had planned everything out in my head now I messed it all up.

"I-I'm sorry, I messed it all up." I felt like crap to say the least. Cooper smiled his crooked smile squeezing my hand.

"Look, it said yes so we're one step closer to ending this." No matter what he said I still felt like crap.

"Guess it's my turn," I could see my sister's panic.

"No matter what Neen's, we love you."

Creep Book 1, Charlie-CharlieWhere stories live. Discover now