Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Tell me something," he said gently from where he was sitting behind me on the couch, his legs stretched out and under mine.   But that's all I could see of him.  Because I was leaning forward from where I was sitting in front of him for a sweet reason I couldn't help but chuckle at.

"Sure," I said, smiling and waiting as I looked down at my lap, unable to see him from behind me.  However, I felt him.  His hands played in my hair, running his fingers through it, over and over... his fingers such a sensation against my head softly and brushing my neck as he played with it. 

"What... happened?  Yesterday with Clare," he asked, hesitantly and I understood why.  It's not like the subject is pleasant like the previous topics we were casually talking about had been (like how we still couldn't believe we were together and food in general, of course.  It led to an argument over which type of cheese was the best tasting but it didn't last unfortunately; it was fun fighting over silly things with him).  No, this was something he needed to know and I knew he was dying to find answers.  Just scared to ask me for them since it was a rough experience for me.  I seriously didn't mind though.  After all, it was only yesterday; it was still fresh in my mind.

Sighing, I let his hands soothe me as the tingles ran over me from him playing with my hair softly.  It felt amazing to say the least for some reason.  Still close behind me though, I could hear him groan slightly in my ear at the topic too he forced himself to bring up.  But it needed to be.

"Well," I said, recalling everything from the start.  "I was in school, it was nearing the end of the day.  Then my teacher got a call to have me go down to the office.  And... Clare was there.  To pick me up for a doctor's appointment.  Which I knew was complete BS.  But... I don't know, I felt I needed to go with her out the door.  Once we were outside though, I had planned on running from her.  I had a sour feeling that I knew where she was taking me and I did not want to be a part of it.  I knew it, strangely, that she would take me there.  But before I could do anything, she pulled a gun on me.  I was trying to be smart about this so--"

His fingers running through my hair froze and I knew at what.  It was what I hadn't told him yet that I knew would have gotten his clear attention.  I knew it was right for him to know now though.  I could only guess his reaction wouldn't be welcoming of the idea.  I was right.  "Clare had a gun?" he asked in a quick but lower voice.

Sighing, I realized this would be something he can't just brush aside.  This was big.  A gun was not a knife like she use to have.  Turning my body slightly around to look at him from behind me, I was close enough to his face to see the nervousness and anger of what I just told him. 

Taking a deep breath, I meet those beautiful and scared eyes and found that it would be important if I told him of my theory about Clare.  One I completely forgot about until this moment considering all that has happened since he saved me from that place.  I didn't know if he would agree with it or not, but it was worth telling him.

"Yes.  She had a gun - probably because you took the knife she uses.  The interesting thing about this... is where the hell did she get it?  I didn't think about that at the moment but later that day... stuff started to happen.  And I realized that Clare might have connections," I said, having a hard time explaining things properly.  I wasn't afraid to tell him.  I just feared telling him too much.  The last thing he needs is to be pissed off right before Clare gets home - a very real thing that was approaching within only a few more hours.

"How do you mean?" he asked, his eyebrows lowering in confusion.  His hands no longer occupied in my hair, his full concentration was on me. I felt his hands move down and forward, grasping my hips and pulling me back more into his lap, turning me to rest against his thigh and the back of the couch so I was now facing him better.  Head still slightly turned to look into his eyes from where I was sitting in his lap, his arms stayed wrapped around me, one coming to grasp my hand. 

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