Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

We didn't waste time in jumping into focus at the only huge issue we had left.

"This drive better have been worth it," I sighed, sitting up more in my seat at hearing Luke say we were close.  I was nearly asleep the whole way there; that didn't mean I was comfortable though.  I was in Luke's truck, stretched out as much as I could in the passenger seat that couldn't recline since the whole front was one long bench seat.  Of course, I shouldn't be complaining.  He was the one driving.  I apparently am driving on the way home since I haven't driven in a long time with my permit. It will catch me up.  After all, this was like a two and a half hour drive - with no pissing breaks! 

"It will be!  We are going to meet this guy.  I checked; he's not at work and I know his address."

"What a stalker," I snorted, smirking to him when I glanced to my side to him.  His hands wrapped around the steering wheel, his emerald eyes met mine and a smirk reached his face. 

Luke cocked an eyebrow at me.  "I'm a cop, I did my homework," he said simply. 

"Lets just hope the doctor is willing to give us answers," I sighed.  Yes, that's right.  We were on our way to a doctors house.  The one that was mentioned in the file with Emily and Clare's stuff.  We were nearly certain he was also somehow connected to the sheriff and was the link between the sheriff and Clare.  How?  We didn't know.  He was probably related to the sheriff considering his last name use to be the same.  Today, he was Dr. Steven Young, having taken his wife's last name.

The drive lasted another ten minutes - five of which were spent slowly going up and along a subdivision with our eyes darting to each house to check the addresses.  When we saw one slightly isolated house away from the others, and much bigger, we had a good idea it had to be the doctors house, Steven.  He was rich, we knew, and understood why he would maybe want to be away from the other houses.  Away but also blend in with the other people living here with a past I could only guess was rough and full of secrets. 

It was back further than the rest of the houses and was private with the fence that surrounded the property.  Even coming up to the road and along the drive way.  It was a very nice house we noticed when we pulled up the drive way and parked the truck. 

Luke and I were silent as we took it in from the truck after parking.  It reminded me kind of Francis's house.  Big but with other houses by.  Except this was entirely brick and looked to be either two or three levels.  Trees along the perimeter, landscaping done from what we could see through the remaining snow.  It was a beautiful house, very warm... but from what it looked like, there were no cars in the driveway and no lights on in the house.  Of course, that didn't have to mean anything.

"Damn," I said, my eyes gliding over the sight of this place.  The size, the sight... It was a very nice place, like I said.

"You got that right."  Staring up at the house, I noticed from my side vision, Luke glance over to me.  "Are you ready?" he asked, taking a deep breath.

Meeting my eyes back with his, I noticed his lips, eyes, expression... looked slightly nervous.  His eyebrows furrowed and his lips were pressed tight together as he watched me.  But I knew he was calm.  As a cop, he wasn't only trained to fight.  He trained himself how to be in situations like this.  Maybe it was just because once we meet with this doctor, we might find out some shit we are not ready for.  But we needed to and were craving these answers. 

I on the other hand was confident.  I don't think much else can happen that would give me proper shock.  I experienced enough of it just to start accepting it then dealing with it as I do.  I was more curious than worried.  "I'm ready, are you?"

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