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As we arrived to a huge
house/mansion he threw me onto the ground as he pulled me out the car. He threw all my bags onto the ground aswell.
I stood up slowly and picked up my bags.
"Okay go inside." The man said calmly. For once I wasn't as scared as before. I nodded and walked to the large doors. He locked the car doors and walked towards me with a smirk playing on his face and unlocked the two large doors. His hands snaked around my waist and he pulled me inside.
"What's your name?" I asked the man who was so very attractive.
"My name is Dan, but you can call me daddy." He started to laugh so hard I could see tears in his eyes. I gave him a disgusted look.
"Dan it is!" I swayed back and forth.
"Okay, so. Lets show you to your room!" Dan said excitedly. Some how I managed to calm down a bit.
"Uh, okay. By the way why did you take me?" I asked him. I was really wondering of all people why me. I mean I know i'm beautiful and shit but how did he even know my name.

"Aww, sweetie I didn't just take you, I bought you. Your dad sold you, but don't worry, you're in good hands." He smiled an evil smile. My mouth dropped in horror.
"What? Why would he do that?!" I asked in panic (!ATD).

"He wanted money, I wanted someone attractive who is uh, a bit younger then me so he offered me you and I said hell yeah. He showed me a picture of you and I thought 'wow this girl is more attractive then I thought' he told me not to hurt you but I own you so I can do whatever the fuck I want with you whenever the fuck I want to." He chuckled and smiled at me. "But don't worry baby, i'm not going to hurt you. At least not today." He chuckled once again. He was a very cute boy (boi) which made me smile. He was just adorable. He would be way more adorable if he wasn't so mean and rude to me.
"What are you smiling about?" He asked me as we walked up the stairs.

What do I do? I can't tell him I find him adorable or cute. He would probably think I want to have sex with him...though I wouldn't complaining...wait what!

"You're really hot!" I said really fast. My face started to burn up as he chuckled and smiled at me. He gave me a kiss on my cheek which made me burn even more.
"I kinda already knew that!" He smiled and bit his lip seductivly which made me roll my eyes.
"Can you just show me to my room?" We were finally at the top of the stairs and he walked in front of me so I followed.

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