Chapter 1 Amillia

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On the last day of school, I did a usual high school day, finished with a study hall, and walked home. On the way home, I passed a house that was brick red, with a creaky old roof. I didn't think anything of it and walked away.

From that old, creaky house it had started to get dark, and also started to rain. I fumbled with my old umbrella trying to get it unstuck from being closed for so long. As I walked up my lane, I clicked my old umbrella closed and opened the door to my house.

When I walked in the door, my bag opened up and let all of its contents spill onto the floor. My sister, Arica, and saved me from the disaster and picked up all my books. Then, I told my twin;

"It rained on my way home, and it got dark around 3:15 PM. So weird." then, my sister replied;

"I don't know why that would be it is only 3:30 PM. Should we stay indoors, or call the cops?" I replied with a lot of common sense;

"Don't call the police that would be really stupid and I don't want to get wet so, stay indoors is our only option."

"It's not our only option," she replied mad at me for ruling out her option. I didn't. Even though she liked the rain didn't mean that I was going to be caught in a thunderstorm.

"It's too bad. I'm not going out in that storm. It could get very bad, and you know how i am about lightning." Years before I had heard that a soccer player was struck by lightning after kicking a goal. He scored the goal, but died while kicking it.

"fine," she said. while walking to her room with Spot our pit bull puppy. While walking to her room, I heard a knock at the door. When I checked the door no one was there, and I walked out the door. That's when it happened. I was kidnapped, and put into the back of a large moving truck. The man pulled out of the driveway and raced away without a trace.

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