Chapter 25 Ben

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"So let me get this straight, you're not going to eat me?" Emilee asked.

"No! I like humans, they are my friends, Emilee," I answered.

"So, have you met Robert?" Emilee asked.

"No, but I have met Arica, Amillia, May, Kimberly, Derek, Tiana, and Matimba," I answered.

"Who are they?" Emilee asked.

"They are the people watching Robert, and they are making sure his anger issues are under control," I answered.

"Take me to him I've always helped him through his troubled past," Emilee said.

They made their way to the little neighborhood and went inside the house. There was Robert sitting on the couch.

"Robert!" Emilee said.

"Emilee! I thought you were dead," Robert said, "I love you. I am so sorry that I left the house," he said.

"That's okay I forgive you," Emilee said.

"You're welcome," I said.

"Thank you, Ben, I couldn't have found Robert, without you," Emilee told me.

"Thank you for being my wife back to me, Ben, I am in your debt. I owe you a favor, whatever it is tell me and I will do it," Robert said.

"There's no need, my price is nothing," I said.

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