Chapter 23 Robert

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I saw something far across the land. Someone maybe.

"Hey, Angel, I know you won't believed me, but I see like 7 people down there," I said.

"You're right I don't believe you," Angel said.

"Look!" I said pointing my cane at the seven figures.

"Okay, I believe you now, Robert," Angel said.

"Do you wanna fly over there, and meet them, Emmillee could be over there please, can we see if she is?" I asked.

"You asked for a lot just now, but if you it makes you happy, then, I will take you over there," Angel said.

She flew upwards almost forgetting me, then, she grabbed me by the arms. I held on to my cane and we went over to where the seven figures were.

Ok totally didn't think of disney's snow white and the seven dwarves. LOL

We landed in the little neighborhood that they were standing in.

"Hello, my name is, Angel, and this is, Robert, we come in peace," Angel said.

"Is any of you named, Emilee?" I asked.

"No, unfortunately not, my name is Amillia, this is Arica, Derek, Tiana, May, Matimba, and Kimberly," Amillia said.

"Oh, you don't know anyone with the name of Emilee then, do you?" I asked.

"No!" Kimberly said angrily.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you I don't even know you," I said.

"Kimber, don't get upset with him. He didn't do anything to deserve the yelling," Tiana said.

Kimberly walked into the house and went to her room. She pulled a picture out of her bag of two baby girls and a happy father holding them. They were twins.

The guy's shirt in the picture was labeled, Cole Ragmeal.

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