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One Hour Later
Ashley's Pov

I walk into the spare room at my parent's house, my old room growing up. Lennon is fast asleep in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder. My Mom and Dad follow closely behind me, watching my every move as if I'll suddenly disappear. My Mom still sobs softly, her whole body trembling. I don't think it seems quite real that I'm back yet.

"What do you want to eat?" My Dad asks "You must be hungry."

I shake my head "No, I'm not really hungry. They gave me some food at the hospital."

"You hardly ate any Ash. Besides, the food at the hospital doesn't count as real food." He replies.

"It was the best meal I've had in over six years." I mumble quietly.

"Right," My Dad sighs "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I reply, laying Lennon down on the bed. My Mom walks over to me, pulling me into a tight embrace. As I hug her back, I can't help but feel as if none of this is even happening, as if it's not real. I never knew when I would get to hug my parents again, and I'd fantasized about it so many times.

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat, even something to snack on?" My Mom asks gently "I can make something and bring it up here for you if you just want to lay down for a bit."

"I'm fine Mom, really." I reply "I'll let you know when I'm hungry. But for now, I'd really like to take a nap, I'm kinda tired."

"Of course sweetie." She says quietly "We'll be downstairs when you need us." After both kissing my forehead, my parents leave the room, keeping the door open a crack. I crawl into bed beside Lennon, gently brushing her blonde hair out of her face. After her being the only human interaction besides Anthony since being locked in the room, I've grown to know every little thing about Lennon. So many minuscule details that a person just doesn't pick up on otherwise. Her face has been one of the only I've seen in six years, her voice one of the only I've heard. I didn't realize I could ever understand or know someone as well as I know my daughter. Although, despite her one-of-a-kind personality, she's still very much like me, both inside and out. Lennon is everything good in me.

I lay in bed for what feels like at least an hour, and despite how tired I am, I still can't fall asleep. There's way too much on my mind, that and the fact that every time I close my eyes my mind snaps back to being locked in the room. I glance at the door every few seconds to make sure it's still open a crack, even though I know fully well that I'm safe. No matter if the door is open or shut, nothing is going to harm Lennon and I. Deep down, I know that, I just can't help but still be paranoid.

Carefully crawling out of bed so as not to wake Lennon, I leave the bedroom and go to the bathroom across the hall. My reflection is a sight for sore eyes, and I opt to look away until I shower. It's something I haven't done in a long, long while, and I don't think I've realized just how much I miss it. Despite the fact that I want to jump right into the shower, I tell myself to wait until Lennon is awake so she doesn't wake up and find me gone. Even though I don't necessarily want to, I find myself looking in the mirror again. Not only that, but breaking down in tears as well. Eventually, I sink down onto the bathroom floor, shaky sobs taking over my entire body. The past six years of my life were practically taken away from me, and it's too frustrating to think about. Now that I'm back, that I'm free, I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm not going to adjust back into my old life very easily.

Walking back into the bedroom, I find Lennon sitting on the bed crying. I rush over to her, hugging her tightly.

"What's wrong?" I ask quickly, looking down at her.

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