Headfirst Into the Deep End

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Three Days Later
Ashley's Pov

"Mommy Mommy Mommy!" Lennon excitedly screams, running around the room completely naked "Catch me! Catch me Mommy!"

"Lennon this isn't a game, you need to get dressed so we can leave." I sigh, putting her shirt down on the bed.

"Catch me then!" She squeals, pausing for a second beside the dresser. I open my mouth to once again tell her to stop goofing off and come get dressed, but I decide on another method.

"I would, but I can't see you anywhere." I joke, although knowing she'll think I'm serious "Where'd you go Lennon?"

"I'm right here!" She exclaims, pointing to herself.

"I don't see you," I frown "I guess that just means I'll have to leave without you."

"I'm here Mommy!" Lennon says impatiently, stomping her foot "Don't leave me!"

"Lennon?" I continue "Are you out in the hall? Maybe I should go check."

"No I'm in here!" She whines, pointing wildly to herself.

"Well I guess I'll just wait here for a few minutes in case you come back," I say "Although I'd be able to see you if you had clothes on, but until then I guess I'll just have to assume you're gone forever."

"I can put my clothes on so you can see me again!" Lennon answers hurriedly. I try and stifle my laugh. It takes a few minutes for her to get dressed all on her own, and even though she ends up with her pants on backwards, I know I can't complain.

"There you are Lennon!" I fake-gasp, scooping her up and repeatedly kissing her cheeks "I was scared you'd be gone forever."

"No Momma," She says "Lennon here forever!"

"Lennon's here forever?" I poke her ribs, causing her to shriek with laughter.

"Uh huh!" She giggles.

By the time we get downstairs, it's nearly time for us to leave. Troian invited us for dinner at her place, which I've been looking forward to all day. Lennon is too, although mostly just to play with Greyer.

"Ready to go?" My Dad walks up to us, car keys in hand.

"Yep," I answer "Thanks for the ride."

"Anytime," He smiles, kissing the side of my head.

The drive to Troian and Patrick's is mostly silent, as Lennon falls asleep and I don't currently feel up for talking much. I glance over at my Dad, the lighting allowing me to really notice how much he's aged in the years I've been gone. In the room, time almost seemed at a stand still, but out here it continued on just like normal.

"When do you think you'll want to be picked up?" My Dad asks as we approach Troian's house.

"Um, I'm not totally sure, but I think Troi said she can drive Lennon and I home after." I answer.

"Well either way, see you guys later. Have a nice time."

"We will!" Lennon interjects "I'm gonna play with Greyer!"

"I bet you will," He chuckles "Have fun Len."

Even though going to Troian's has been something that I've done pretty constantly since getting out of the room, I still get the feeling as I walk up to the door that my head might explode—that, or pop right off and float into outer space.

"Momma," Lennon tugs on my arm "Come on." I blink twice and continue the rest of the short walk to the front door. Troian is there only moments after Lennon presses the bell, ushering us inside with a smile on her face. Still, I can't help but feel like someone filled my head with helium or something.

"You alright Ashley?" Troian asks, her smile faltering.

"Yeah, I..." I swallow the lump in my throat "I'm fine."

"Okay," She replies, even though I can tell she doesn't quite believe it.

While Troian and I visit, Lennon and Greyer play with a train set on the floor. It fills me with such happiness and relief to see my daughter acting like such a regular kid, and everyday I see improvements in her social behaviour and perception of the world. She's excelling; a normal life outside of the room quickly becoming her reality. I, on the other hand, feel as if I'm going backwards some days.

"We should go to that restaurant we always used to go to," Troian pipes excitedly "I mean, whenever you're up for it of course."

"Yeah, that one on Sunset." I smile "Maybe one day soon."

"You can't go on a sunset," Lennon interjects "It's fire and will burn you crispy."

"It's just the name of the road," I reply "Don't worry."

Troian gets up to go check on dinner, which from the kitchen the smell nearly makes my mouth water. I pick up my phone from the coffee table, seeing that I have a new message from Oliver thirteen minutes ago.

Hey Ashley, how's your day? Was wondering if you wanted to get dinner at Casa La Oliver tomorrow after your session? I know the chef personally and he would be delighted.

A smile creeps onto my lips. Oddly enough, Oliver has been the more hesitant one to continue with whatever we have going on, so to see him initiating us seeing each other outside the office makes my heart do a giddy leap. We talked about us possibly going to his house—since we definitely can't be seen in public together—but I thought the plan was more an in-the-moment-fantasy kind of thing. And I guess it's not odd that he's hesitant, not when what we're doing not only jeopardizes my recovery, but his job as well. And I get if he didn't want to see me anymore because of his job, but it's my call on how I feel about myself moving forward in a romantic way. I get that I probably should be scared of men, and I am somewhat nervous around ones I don't know like the way I'm nervous about the world in general, but not with Oliver. In fact, I feel the exact opposite with him. I feel safe.

"Dinner will be another ten I think." Troian announces as she walks into the room.

"What're we having again?" Greyer asks, looking up at his Mom with his big doe eyes.

"A baked pasta dish, I forget the exact name." She responds.

"Lasagna?" He raises his eyebrows.

"No, not lasagna." She smiles "But you're right, that is a baked pasta dish too. Now how about you and Lennon go to the bathroom to wash your hands?"

"I want Mommy to help," Lennon points at me.

"You can go with just Grey, I'll be right here when you get back." I tell her.

"No Mommy!" She whines "You help."

"I'll come help you Lennon, how does that sound?" Troian asks. After a moment of pondering, my stubborn daughter surprisingly agrees.

When the three of them leave the room, I pick up my phone again to text Oliver back. I can hardly contain my smile as I press send.

Dinner at Casa La Oliver tomorrow sounds great, tell the chef I'm looking forward to it :)

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