Chapter 2

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The next thing I knew, out of nowhere, there was a flash of silver, a third creature? A sound that could have been a hiss of pain, and the eyes were gone. I sprain to my feet, no it couldn't have been... But what if the silver was from the silver haired man from my dream? No, that was impossible, he didn't exist, he was just a figment of my crazy imagination. Either way I had to find out what those creatures were. So I did what was possibly the most crazy thing I had ever done in all of the time I could remember, I crossed the border.

I ran further and further away from the safety of town, chasing after the sliver of silver only yards away. It had to be him, I needed answers. I heard a crack and, out of instinct, my head turned in the direction of the sound. I looked forward again, blinked and the silver had disappeared.

Ashlyn dug her heels in, bringing her to a stop. From my vantage point in a tree, she stood only meters below. I had been watching her since she was a know more than a child, I had wiped her mind, I had been assigned the job of keeping her alive, without her seeing me of course. She shouldn't have followed me across the border. But now I had know choice but to make myself known, a creature was swiftly approaching. Ashlyn had to have heard it by know, her senses and reflexes were even greater then mine, even if she didn't remember. I sighed, and jumped out of the tree just as the creature pounced.

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