Chapter 3

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I dug my heels into the dirt beneath my feet, bring my running body to a stop. I did a full turn in place but the silver that I saw was nowhere to be seen. Maybe I didn't see anything in the first place. Maybe it was just a trick of the forest and if so, than what had I gotten myself into? A foul smell filled my nose along with a high pitched shrieking sound that was growing ever closer. That couldn't be good.

Turning in another full circle, I came to a terrifying conclusion. I was lost and the source of the horrible shrieking was heading straight for me.

Over the years I had learned to trust my instincts. Letting my instincts guide me, I shot to the left just in time as a huge, slimy-looking creature barreled by, right where I had been standing.

Faster than what should be possible, the creature spun and charged for me a second time. By some miracle managed to jump out of the way again. I spun to face the creature but it was already there. The creature slammed into me, sending me flying backwards into a nearby tree. Upon impact my head collided with the tree.

My vision blurred, I heard a shrieking cry that didn't come from me. My vision cleared enough for me to make out a man on top of the creature. The latter unmoving, with a... a sword sticking out of its side. My vision blurred once again and I was hit with a sudden wave of dizziness. I closed my eyes as my head rocked back against the tree.

I heard footsteps approach, but I still kept my eyes closed. A hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and he removed his hand from my shoulder. My head spun, but my vision cleared enough for me to notice that... that he – this man – had silver hair. "Who are you?" I managed to say. He didn't respond.

I tried to stand. "Don't", was all he said. I ignored him and immediately regretted it. As soon as I stood my vision blacked out and the last thing that I remembered was the feeling of strong arms under my legs and shoulders. And the sway of someone walking with me in their arms. "You're going to be fine", said the man, and then I blacked out once more.

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