Chapter 7

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I rushed out of the house and into the brisk night air, trying to find the source of the screaming. It didn't take much searching. All I had to do was follow the ever growing sound of screams. What was happening? I kept on running, sprinting down the pathway in the direction of the outer residential area.

Another deafening roar filled the air and the earth seemed to quake in response, causing me to stumble and fall. For a brief moment it felt like I was flying through the air, but then my body made contact with ground and I rolled. Springing to my feet as fast as I could, I kept on running in the direction of all the commotion.

There was something on my leg that was stinging painfully but I forced myself to ignore it and focus on the task at hand.

Something was terrorizing the outskirts of the town. Something big. Something inhuman.

Once I had finally reached the outskirts of town, I saw why people were screaming.

It was huge.

Whatever it was, was undeniably fairy. A legendary forest creature. I didn't know how to describe it. The creature was massive, as big as a house, with four very lethal horns sticking out of each side of the creatures head. Its body was that of a furry human, with a head that was distinctly animalistic and its fingernails like talons.

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Why did I come here? In what way could I possibly help these people? Another deafening roar pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up only to fine the creature staring straight at me.

Oh shit.

This part of town was practically deserted by now. The only remaining people using the creature's distraction as a chance to flee. The only problem was that I was the creature's distraction. I did the most reasonable thing that a person in my situation would do.

I ran.

I turned-tail and bolted the direction I came, only to change my mind and make my way back toward the outside of town, as I realized that the town was filled innocent people and I couldn't just lead the creature toward them. I could hear, rather than see, the creature as it pursued me.

There was absolutely no way that I could outrun it. It was already almost on top of me. There was no chance of me making it out of this. At possibly the worst time I wasn't paying full attention to my surroundings and my ankle got caught on a root. Letting out a cry of pain I toppled to the earth. I had to fight to get back on my feet and start running again, only for my ankle to send a shooting pain up my leg and fall back down.

Oh no. I couldn't get up. This was it, this creature was going to get me. Crap.

Something flashed past my line of vision. Moving too fast for me to register. The creature roared. But this roar was different. It wasn't one of an angry or triumphant animal. More like the one of an animal that was in pain.

Before I could even move to look, something very big and very heavy crashed to the ground and then silence.

There was the sound of crunching grass, as someone walked over to where I was sprawled on the earth. A pair of black boots came into view. And then a hand. "Come on," said a rather familiar voice. "We have to go."

"I can't," I said, shifting enough so I could see my savior. "You." I gasped, as I looked up at the head of a male with silver hair and forest green eyes. He was wearing dark gray pants that were tucked into calf-high black boots and a loose, light gray shirt that was also tucked into the waist of his pants, he had the hilt of a sword peeking over one shoulder and two daggers strapped to his thighs.  "You're... you're from my dream," I whispered.

"We need to go." He said again. It was then that he noticed how I was holding my ankle. "Oh." He said more to himself then me. He reached down and threw me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing at all. The next thing I knew we were running faster than I thought possible over the border of town and into the forest.

Hello Everyone! I am so sorry that  it took me so long to update. I went on vacation and had to leave my laptop at home. What did you guys think?

Word count: 726

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