Chapter 1: Oh, baby

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Hugging the toilet seat, willing this God awful feeling to go away, I once again bury my face deeper into the bowl and empty the contents of my entire stomach.

Aidan is currently holding my hair away from my face and caressing my back in a soothing manner.

Thank God he loves me because seeing me in this state must be a massive turn off.

Feeling the sickening sensation slowly disappearing, I flush the chain and move so that I'm sitting with my back pressed up against the wall. Aidan offers me a loving smile and places his hand on my thigh to comfort me.

I've been sick every day this past week and I'm slowly beginning to think this isn't just the flu.

I know he's thinking the same thing because he shoots me a serious look as well as exhaling a heavy sigh. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out a brown paper bag and offers it to me.

"We need to know, darling." he simply states in a loving tone.

I take the unknown object from him and begin to peel back the brown bag, uncovering its contents.

A pregnancy test.

I close my eyes and rest my head on the wall behind me; the tight feeling in my stomach returning. Taking deep breaths, I try not to freak out.

"I know you're scared but don't be. We'll figure it out if..." Aidan begins to speak but slowly trails off towards the end.

I open my eyes and focus in on his. The green in them are shining more prominently under the lighting in his ensuite bathroom. They a swimming with concern and a tang of guilt swells through my body as I come to realise he's worried about me.

He's right, we need to know.

I sigh and nod my head.

"Fine but can you let me pee in privacy? I know we've been together six months now but I really don't think our relationship is ready for that amount of intimacy yet." I say, in a desperate attempt to lighten the mood.

He flashes me a small smile and goes to stand up. Offering me his hands, I grab onto them and pull myself up off of the floor. His lips place a gentle kiss on my forehead and he gives my waist an encouraging squeeze.

"Call for me when you're done." he says, his eyes burning into mine.

I nod my head and fake a small smile. He then leaves me alone, standing in his bathroom with only one thing left to do.


After awkwardly peeing on the stick, I place it on the windowsill while I proceed to wash my hands and brush my teeth.

"You can come in." I call to Aidan on the other side of the door.

It immediately opens and he's behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist in no time.

"I love you no matter what, okay?" he whispers into my ear, before kissing my cheek.

Both of my hands are resting on either side of the sink and I look at our reflection in the mirror, locking my eyes onto his. I smile at him and turn around so that my front is pressed up against his. Burying my face in his chest, I let out a heavy breath and try to control my erratic mind.

Finding comfort in this position, I wish for nothing more than to be able to stay paused in this moment forever and not have to worry about the results of the stick, resting only a few feet away.

"Has it been enough time now?" he asks, bringing me out of my daze.

I've easily been resting on Aidan's chest for more than five minutes now which is plenty of time. I bring my head up and give him a quick nod before leaving his embrace and walking over to the window.

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