Chapter 2: bombshell

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"It's a boy, I can tell." Aidan says, excitement lacing his voice.

I'm lying down on my bed with Aidan's head currently resting on my chest while he uses his right hand to gently stroke my stomach.

I laugh at him, causing his head to bob up and down as my chest moves.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask, fisting my hands in his thick chocolate locks; enjoying the silk-like feeling of his hair.

He peeks up at me, locking his eyes onto mine and flashes me a boyish grin.

"Because I want three kids in total and the oldest has to be a boy; to protect his two younger sisters." he simply states.

An overwhelming feeling of love passes through me as I hear his future plans for us and I can't help the huge smile that makes its way across my mouth. He moves himself further up the bed and kisses me softly on the lips; wiping the smile straight off of my face.

Breaking away from his captivating lips, I smile at him again and run my fingers gently down his face. Reaching the stubble on his chin, I enjoy the feeling of its roughness against my fingertips and have to resist the urge to run my tongue along it instead.

"As lovely as that sounds, I don't think you really get to choose." I say, humouring him a little.

He shows me a cute smile and I grab both of his hands and place them gently on my stomach.

"...and you need to slow down Mr, I've not even had this little one yet." I tell him, my amusement still apparent in my voice.

He cocks an eyebrow up at me and shakes his head in a disapproving manner.

"Are you humouring me Miss Stark?" he asks, in a suggestive tone while moving himself on top of me.

Having nowhere else to go, I find myself being pushed further back onto my bed until I'm fully lying down. He appears above me in no time with a sexy smile plastered on his face.

I shake my head with wide eyes, which only causes his already big smile to grow.

"Hmmm, I think you are." he says, leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth.

His hands glide under my T-shirt and up my body, until they finally come to rest in his favourite area. His kisses become less gentle; instead becoming full of want and need.

I moan into his mouth as his hands work magic on my upper body and my stomach erupts with butterflies.

Wait, these aren't butterflies.

Jolting my eyes open I push Aidan off of me and scramble to my feet, quickly running to the bathroom across the hall.

Flinging the door open and burying my head into the bowl, I make it there just on time. Aidan is quickly behind me, gathering my hair up into his hands and caressing my back in an attempt to make me feel better.

Finally feeling relieved from the sickly feeling, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand a flush the chain, ridding any evidence of my morning sickness.

It's not until I finally look up that I notice Anna is in the room with us; mid-way through brushing her teeth.

She's looks at us both with disgust and backs away from me.

"Eww, are you sick? Because I'm going camping this weekend and don't want to catch whatever you've got." she says, rinsing her tooth brush and putting it away.

Aidan and I both share a look and he offers me a small smile. I raise my eyebrows at him and he nods his head; seemingly agreeing to what I'm mentally asking.

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