Not How This Day Was Planned

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Nico's POV

 Nico sighed. His hearing was picking up on a lot of voices, loud music, and way to many echos then he would have liked. He hated the song that was playing as well. He didn't know what it was called, but he disliked it with a burning passion. Then the smells where confusing him. He growled under his breath. He needed to get out, now. Contrary to popular belief, Animal Shifters did not have better senses.  That was a myth, but if it was true Nico would have never gone near here. His ears and nose where overloaded as it was. 

 Nico felt his leg brush against something. He stopped, wondering what he had run into. It felt like the side of something. He moved over a little and kept walking. A sudden shound of a door opening rached his ears, and he turned his head to the noise. Outside sounds where coming from that direction. He started heading in that direction, only to find his nose twitching to the smell of food. He stopped, and he mentally drooled. It smelled so good..... Nico felt his stomach rumble. That was what convinced him to get going. He didn't need to get spoiled by fancy fast food. Besides, he was out of cash.

 Nico was right by the door when it was opened in his face. He yelped and stumbled back, rubbing his nose. He stumbled back into something that pushed he back into the door, and he yelped again. He was pretty sure his nose was at least bruised if not broken when the door opened again. This time he had some warning and backed up. Then he heard a young boy's voice, say, "Why do I smell blood?" and Nico froze. Werewolf, not real. Vampire, vary real. Vary deadly. He tried to back up some more a but found himself cornered. Then a girl said, "Are you oka- Oh no, is your nose broken?!" Nico tried holding his nose, and instantly drew it back. That had hurt.

Next thing he knew, she was dragging him across the parking lot. He ran into a few things, and from what he herd two boys where behind them. And a dog. He mentally groaned. He hated dogs, even despite being able to turn into a wolf. She said something about getting in a car the had stopped next to, and that her mother was a doctor. Nico froze, she wanted him to get into a car? He didn't have a lot of choice, so, he tentatively reached out with his hand. Nervosely, he got in, soon the two boys got in as well. And the dog. Nico used his shirt to try and mop up the blood coming from his nose, to little avail. Then the younger boy started pestering him with questions. Nico groaned, and kept his mouth shut.

Amy's POV:

Amy had been having a great day so far. Her brothers had been well behaved, a rare thing for Jack as he was 14. Even Parker had remembered to look both ways before crossing the road, a first. She smiled, as she neared the busy mall. Smiling, she remembered how her brothers had begged them to take them shopping. 

Amy sighed, as she sat on the couch. She was looking at a picture of her and her old boyfriend. Removing the back, she took the picture out and put in in a Ziploc bag. The bag was full of old pictures, of old boyfriends. Her friend Karen had said Amy was averaging one a month. Every single one had been in it for the money. She grumbled as she replaced the bag in it's hiding place under the couch. 

 Perking up as she heard Parker running down the stairs. He dashed up to her and started signing really fast. Amy sighed, and signed, 'Slow down, I can't understand anything your saying.' Parker stopped and, slowly, signed, 'I want to go to the mall. Today. Can you ask Jack if he wants to come?' He spelled out Jack's name, but missed the C. Amy smiled and went to see if Jack was awake. She knocked on his door and asked, without yelling, "Jack, are you up yet?" Jack hated yelling because it hurt his ears. "Coming, what dose Parker want to do Today..." he asked, knowing that Parker loved doing strange things during Summer Vacation. Jack and Amy usually got dragged along for the ride. 

 I told Jack that Parker wanted to go to the mall, and Jack grumbled something. A few minuets later, he came out in street clothes, with his Seeing-Eye dog/family pet Vertigo. Mom had made sure that Jack hat the best care available, but as a teenager, he didn't want someone to follow him around. Vertigo had been the answer. I smiled, and walked back into the Living Room where Parker was already dressed with his Hearing Aids in. He was bouncing up and down, and practically broke the door down. Amy rolled her eyes, and walked out the door with Jack and Vertigo on her heels. She got into the drivers seat, with Jack in Shotgun and Parker in the backseat with Vertigo. Amy smiled, peace at last...

Amy had left the car as close to the front as she could get. Now, as they walked to the door and opened it, Jack said, "Why do I smell blood?" She looked over and saw a boy, maybe her age, holding his nose. Parker instantly attempted to corner him, and succeed. She found his hair color strange, as it was silver. He didn't look like he was older then 17 at the oldest. She approached him,  and said, "Are you oka- Oh no is your nose broken?!" she asked, her hand flying to her mouth. It was crooked, and blood was gushing out of it. Strangely, she couldn't see his eyes. 

 Amy grabbed the boy's hand, and he jumped. She dragged him out to the car, him tripping and running into things. She wondered if all that silver hair was blocking his view. She opened the door, and said, "Get in, you need to go to a doctor. Thankfully, my Mom is one and she has the day off." The boy froze, and she could almost see the gears working in his head. Hesitently, he put his hand out to touch the car, and got in. Jack got in shotgun, and Parker and Vertigo got in the back with the boy. Amy got in the drivers seat and put the car in gear. Parker pestered the boy with questions. Mystery, as she decided to call him until he told them his name, seemed more concerned stopping his nose from bleeding as bad.  

Time to go home, a bit early.

First chapter is up!!!!! I finally decided to turn my long-time wolf character, Nico, into a human who can turn into a wolf. Other then that he is human he isn't vary different then when I first  used him as a RP character a few months ago. I can't wait to post the next chapter!

Not So BlindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora