My Secret

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Nico's POV:

Nico was wondering if he was going to bleed out soon and not have to deal with that chatty kid. He groaned as his nose throbbed and another question pestered him. This kid was going to drive him nuts. He growled and pushed the rest of his face into his shirt.  The girl spoke, "Parker, stop pestering him. You know what Mom says." Parker stopped talking. He even scooted away from him. That ment the dog was right next to him. Nico felt his nose start to itch. Then he sneezed and more blood came out of his nose. 

 Nico tried to egde away from the dog only to back right into the door. He growled low and the dog backed away, sensing that it was angering a apex predator. The rest of the ride was uneventful. Mildly. The dog tried sniffing him again and left Nico sneezing up more blood.

 As soon as they pulled into the driveway, the girl lept out and threw open Nico's door. He yelped as she dragged him out. the bit of shirt he was using to keep the blood at bay was soaked, but she seemed to be  keen on dragging him into as many things as possible. Then she got him to sit on a couch and went to get her mom. Nico took off his hoodie and used it to block his nose. He was unsure if his face was still hidden by shadows, but he didn't care. His nose was starting to hurt and bleed again.

Not long after he took his hoodie off, the girl's mom came downstairs.  Nico had no idea what she saw, but whatever she saw clearly made her calm down. "Amy, you do know you exaggerated about his nose...." That was when he knew she could see his eyes. Nico pulled his hoodie from his nose and tried to make a run for it. Amy grabbed his hand, and as he looked back at her, he knew she understood why he kept bumping into things. 

Amy's POV :

As soon as she stopped the car, and parked it, she was out and dragging to boy into the house. He had started sneeing, which increased the bleeding and most likely the pain. She dragged him into the house and left him on the couch as she dashed upstairs to get her Mom. 

She found her mother reading a book in the second floor library, and told her the situation. She exaggerated a bit on his nose, saying it was broken twice. Her Mom listened to what had happened  and what little she knew of the boy. When she said he seemed like he was allergic to dogs, she was already out the door and rushing downstairs. 

Amy saw Nico had taken off the hoodie he had been wearing, and using it to mop up more blood from his nose. She still couldn't see his eyes, but she did notice a long pink line just over where the hoodie covered. Her mother noticed as well, but waited until she could see his entire face before she said anything. Then, it was only, "Amy, you do know you exaggerated about his nose...." He had pulled the hoodie away from his nose, and tried to make a break for it. Amy grabbed his hand. He turned back to face her,  and she saw a scar running right over his eyes. 

He was blind. That actually made sense, somewhat. 

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