When Can I Go?

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Nico's POV

Nico suppressed a growl. He pulled out of the girl's grip, and was instantly faced with the dog. He sneezed, and tried to get around him, only to encounter someone else. He was darting around him when the girl caught up to him.  She grabbed his hand again, a slight pause, and he felt something whack his head. 

When Nico woke up he was in a bed. He had woken up because of a noise. He shifted into his wolf, and he crept down the hall. His ears up strait. He slid out a doggy door, and as he made his way into the yard, investigating the sound. Then something rammed into his side. 

Nico turned his head, felt fur under his nose, and bit it. Whatever had hit him yelped, and Nico growled as blood began to soak his silver fur. Whatever he had a grab on let go, and Nico used the opportunity. He turned and threw the wolf down. 

Nico was a big wolf, with muscle and skill on his side. He growled and pushed the wolf to the ground, his snarl sending a clear message. 'Stay away.' The wolf's whimper meant he had gotten the message,  and Nico let him go. From the sound of the wolf's paws, he was running away tail between his legs. Nico walked back, slipped back into the house, and shifted back to his human form.  He tore up his shirt to make some bandages. 

When the girl came in to check on Nico, she found him fast asleep on the guest bed. She smiled, thinking he looked kinda cute with his hair all messed up. 

When Nico woke up, he found a shirt and jeans layed out the bed. He put them on, (He was in his underwear, he had no idea how that happened and he didn't want to find out) He followed the sounds of eating and talking, and he found what smelled like a kitchen. 

(Sorry it's so short, I ran out of muse and I wasn't sure about much else, the fight part was easy to write as I do it a lot, see you in another chapter)

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