Logic Does Not Compute (Ao No Exorcist Fan Fic)

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A/N So I decided to make a Ao No Exorcist fan fic after I decided to get back on the Anime. Hope you like it. WARNING!!! SWEARING AND OTHER PROFANITIES WILL BE PRESENT IN THIS FAN FIC!!!


Pic of Raven in the multi media!

Raven's POV:

           Today was the day. My friend Dawn and I were going to finaly get all of our books in the mail. We live in a small town to it is pretty hard to find any manga books so Amazon is our savior. Dawn was skipping down the sidewalk a couple paces in front of me. I was hunched over with a lolipop in my mouth. But don't be fooled by my apearance of monotone. I in fact, was even more excited than Dawn. I just had to contain myself before I try to murder people. C: We were getting the first two books of Soul Eater, Black Butler, Bleach, and last but not least Ao No Exorcist the 11th volume. Me and Dawn are especially fans of this manga. We have read almost every fan fic, seen every picture, and have been trying to murder Mephisto since the very begining.

       I got out the key to our mailbox. Dawn lived with me since our parents aren't really home a lot so we just share our houses and money they leave us. We are basically sisters now. Or as Tom Sawyer would say, "bossom friends" Mehehehehe. I'm so weird.

       Dawn and I had to carry each one box. Well until Dawn got tired and just threw her box on top of mine. Even if i was 5 foot 7, I could barely see over the top of the tower of boxes. Finally we made it to my house.

Dawn: Phew that was hard work!

Me: You barely did anything!

Dawn: Well I did carry the boxes until that funny sign post.....and I jumped over that crack.


Dawn: Whoa calm your tits bro-sephine!



Me: *read in slow mo voice* muuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!

Dawn: *slow mo voice again* DON'T WORRY I'LL SAVE YEW!!!

       We fall on top of each other and we start to wrestle...yep we are crazy. I fllipped Dawn on the couch and I proceeded to open the boxes which were filled with the long waited books and merchindise. Dawn, now recovered from her fall, glomped the books and was now fan girl screaming every couple of seconds. Very annoying. 

Me: Be QUIET!!

Dawn: But I thought yew luved meh...TT^TT

Me: Oh no what have I doneth?!?! I STILL LUV YEW!!! No homo though.

Dawn: I KNEW IT!!!

           Then we heard some kind of grumbling boomy sound to our left. Coming from meh kitchen.

Me: Oh what now?!

           I walked over towards the kitchen, expecting somekind of kamakazi maniac jump out from anywhere, yet there was no one. Dafuq?!? I opened all of the drawers a cuboards while Dawn was with a baseball bat twitching her face off. I think Dawn and I need medical help. I was about to head back over to meh manga books when the oven door bursted open.

Dawn and I: EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!! >^<

         We headed towards the oven, Dawn with her baseball bat, and I with a toilet plunger. Don't ask. -_-......Just no. I stuck my head in there only to see nothing unusual.

Me: See everything's fine Dawn. Nothing to be worried abo-

        I couldn't finish my sentence because the stove came to life and ate me. Dawn and all. All I could see was this familiar gate thing with a bunch of faces on it. Sort of like the Gehena gate........OH SHIT TITTY ASS MOTHER FUCKER!!! HELP ME SOMEBODY. I would of said this if I could move. I headed towards the Gate of Hell while Dawn made her way to this light. Probably heaven....FUCK NO DAWN AIN'T LEAVIN MEH!!!! But it couldn't be helped. We seperated to quickly and I was sucked in. Then pain swarmed over me ingulfing me in black flames. What is happening to me and my life? *sigh* Meanwhile outside of my head I was screaming my head off as something erupted from my back......and me butt. My ears somehow got bigger and my teeth sharper. All of this was happening as black flames errupte form my body.

        Then it all went black.

Logic Does Not Compute (Ao No Exorcist Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now