First Day

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Yeah, the first class didn't go any better. For one, the teacher was obviously hungover and didn't even say the right last name, all the guys obviously checked you out and Dean... well, Dean was Dean. 

"Uh, class, this is... Um, Dean Winchester and (y/n)... (y/n) Signer. Let's all say hello, just not too loudly, okay?" You face-palmed as four girls chorused, "Hi, Dean," and then dissolved into giggles. "Singer. My last name is Singer," you groaned. She checked again, muttered something, and slumped back into her chair. Dean snickered and put an arm around you and kept it there walking down the aisles of desks. Man, he moved fast. "Nope, nope, no, no, and no. Remove thyself from myself before I do it for you, Winchester. I am not your girlfriend, I am not even your friend. So shad up and pick a friggin' seat," you said lowly. He laughed and did as you said. Practically every girl in the room shot you an evil eye beside one girl in the corner staring out the window. Of course, Dean sat in the middle of a bunch of girls, but the girl looked interesting. "Mind if I sit here?" you asked her. She was occupied with drawing something. You slid into the seat next to her and did your hair up in a quick bun. You glanced over at what she was drawing and gasped. It was gorgeous.

A hyper-realistic crack in the paper let loose a human hand, and it was reaching for a picture of a mother curled around her daughter in a bed. The little girl was smiling and the mother's eyes were full with adoration, her lips parted to show she was singing. "Oh, my God," you breathed. This woke her out of her trance and her head snapped up, the book closing with any concentration she had had. "Nosy much? I know they're bad, but do you have to stare?" she scolded. "That was gorgeous. It was so real and so heartfelt, like I could feel the emotion radiating off it. Can I see?" you asked. She gave you a suspicious look, then passed it to you. "You seem real, so okay?" You didn't hear her, though. It was beautiful. Every page was filled with wonderful drawings. Drawings of the same motherly woman, of a long-haired little girl, of hands and one of a man kissing a girl's forehead, but the entire picture was made of words instead of lines and curves, ones of circles and triangles with galaxies in them, beautiful drawings of eyes with things in them, a girl with scratches along her back from monstrous hands. Each one was more beautiful than the last. At the end, the was a whole page that was a bunch of black splotches. "One letter stories. Just keep writing on the same space for one letter. Then no one knows but you," she explained, leaning over. "I hope we have more classes together, 'cause you're awesome," you said offhandedly. She smiled and took the book back. "No one's ever said something that nice to me," she said quietly. You looked up and forced a smile for her. "Hey, the guy surrounded by the preps is staring at you. He's kinda cute, y'know." she said. You turned around, and sure enough, he was. "He's an ass," you told her. The teacher was asleep, and the rest of class, you talked to the girl, named Jo.

The second class was easy, just science, your best subject. Dean, still, was surrounded by the barbie girls. You tried to keep up with what the teacher was saying, but the eldest Winchester was throwing notes at you (which you ignored). "And what do we call the smallest 'railways' for blood? Come on, we covered this," chided the teacher. Your hand flew up and he seemed surprised. "Ms. Singer! Newer and more improved than this class can handle, I see? Yes, go ahead and answer," he said, obviously surprised by your input. "Capillaries," you answered easily. He nodded and turned back to the board. It was an easy class, simple things on medical issues and parts of the body. All too soon, the bell rang. You grabbed your things to go when the teacher came over and asked,  "Do you mind if I still your girlfriend, Mr. Winchester?" You stuttered, "No, he's not-- we're not-- Oh, God, he's just there to irritate me." He smiled and you followed him to his desk. Dean lingered a moment longer before shooting you a worried look and leaving.

"Ms. Singer, how much do you know about science in general? Are you this advanced in any of your other classes? I'm genuinely interested, seeing as how much more intelligent you are compared to the others--don't tell them I said that. Would you mind staying behind and taking a short test? It won't count for any of your grade, I promise," he offered. You pondered the thought and agreed quickly. He rooted through some papers, muttering as he did so, and then handed you one. Moving back to your desk, you flew through the questions. They were simple for you, college level for others your age. Nothing too difficult, minor bone structures and Latin names. It took you about fifteen minutes total and you handed it back to him. You stood there while he checked through them all. "This is astounding, (y/n). College level stuff, and you seem to know it like the back of your hand! Would you like for me to move you up in your classes? I think this should be enough. You are excused," he said, reaching for the phone. Oh, if he only knew why I know that stuff. It might save Dad's life one day, you thought as you went to your next class. 

You entered the class, and everyone turned to look at you. "(y/n) Singer? Thank you so much for gracing us with your presence. Now if you'd like to sit down or interrupt my class again? I don't want to be here with you incompetent children enough already," she said sassily. You were taken aback by her attitude. Oh, you tried to bite your tongue. It didn't work.

Meeting Them - Teen!Dean x Teen!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now