First--Nah, Second Fight

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Well, you were kinda popular after that. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be, either. It took you twice as long to get down the hallways to your classes and someone was always touching you. Sam was thrilled, though. He'd always wanted to be the popular, normal kid and you'd given him that. You were always sure to keep him close, never worrying about Dean. He had a hand on you at all times. Sometimes, you'd send him a glare to make him move said hand elsewhere, but he was close and it was comforting. That is, until he nearly killed a guy.

Dean was pulled back from you by the waves of people going the opposite direction and some jock took the advantage. "Hey, sexy, party tonight, you should come. There's a bedroom with our name on it," he hollered with a laugh. The guys around him clapped him on the back and you rolled your eyes. "Hey, he was talking to you," said another one when you tried to keep walking. You kept silent and tried to move around a teacher older than dirt who was possibly dead and still standing. Sam was engulfed in a conversation with a friend he'd made the first day, Barry. Dean was nowhere to be seen. The one who'd said something grabbed your wrist and pulled you over into the middle of their circle. "You're feisty. Good cowgirl, I bet," snickered the biggest one. "Let me out before I shove my foot so far up your asses, your dentists will be picking my toes from your teeth," you said through gritted teeth. They laughed and one of the let his hand wander down your arm. You pulled away, right into another guy. "Back up further, baby," egged on an equally as massive guy. "How about you step away from the girl?" said a familiar voice and you sighed.

Dean shoved his way to the middle of the group, pulling you closer to him. You were standing back to back. "Sammy, get to class!" you yelled over the voices of the others. You saw his brown hair pass and you sighed. Good. He wouldn't be involved. "We were in the middle of something, you little bitch," growled the first jock. "Okay, I'm not a female dog, and no, you weren't. So open your wall of muscle and let us get to class, bitch," said Dean. One of his hand squeezed yours reassuringly. One of the took a swing at him, missed, and grazed your hair. You scoffed and winked at Dean. "Half-half?" Dean nodded and drew a line down the middle of them. You grinned, cocked your leg up as high as it would go, and kicked a guy in the face while you punched another one.Blood came from his face and you could hear that Dean was just as busy as you. Most of them ran, but the few who stayed got the crap beat out of them. Your hair was messed up pretty bad and you cracked the nails you were trying to grow, but that was all. Dean had a cut on the side of his face, paired with a wide smile and a bright light in his eyes. Classroom doors were opening, so you grabbed Dean's hand and ran out the door into the bright world.

You both took refuge under a window behind a bush. Agreeing to stay until Sam was done with school, you leaned your head on Dean's shoulder. His chest was heaving heavily. "That was fun," he sighed. "Yeah." "I didn't know you could fight like that," he complimented. You smirked and scoffed. "Yeah, Dad might be the go-to guy for research, but I would rather be out on the hunt then back reading for hours. It was just a little phase thing for me, when I was about fourteen, the last time we met. Remember? You said I looked super hot doing my roundhouses," you said with a smile. Truthfully, the memory was one of your favorites, the only other time you'd met the Winchesters and the starting period of I-Hate-John-Winchester. "You remember that?" asked Dean incredulously. You blushed lightly and said, "No one else has called me hot or pretty or cute or that stuff. Not even Dad. Guess he never though of it. Made a lasting impression, though." He raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe it. You're stunning," he said. You lowered your head and put a finger to his lips. Footsteps outside, the jocks again, only three of them this time. Dean was wearing a bright red flannel, so taking your army green jacket and draping it across him, you scooted away from him into the next bush. 

"That little girl is gonna get it. I can't wait to show her what someone like me can do to someone like her. Oh, she'll like it," grouched the biggest one. He was easily over six feet, muscle corded every bare stretch of skin, and he looked like he could bench press thee-hundred. You took one of the branches and dragged it slowly across your cheek to draw blood, then punched the skin around your hips to form a small bruise. You smiled and cleared your throat. They noticed you in the bushes and you turned on the waterworks. One of them grabbed you by the wrist and hauled you out of the bush. You heard a grunt from Dean, who was obviously having a difficult time watching another guy touch you. "Hey, it's the little wench who beat up Smitty! Who knew she was so strong? Maybe she can take dis dick!" joked the guy who was holding you. You said, "Nah, I think I'm good, you sexist ass. I hope you die." Drawing your knee up hard as you could, he let you go and you ran inside, throwing Dean a wink on the way in. 

"Get her!" shouted the other two in unison, but you were already inside the nearest classroom. You made the tears come as fast as they would and the teacher shot up out of her desk. "Th-They hit me! I didn't w-want them t-totouch me, a-a-and--" You left the rest to her imagination. She escorted you out of the class into the hallway and out stepped out first. The three bozos were already there. One of them grabbed you from behind and the one you'd kneed drew back his first right as the teacher came busting out. "James! Preston! David! Let her go this instant and get in that classroom!" she raged. You shed a few more fake tears, making sure to smirk at the boys as they walked gloomily inside. "Are you okay?" she asked, taking your face in her hands.

"I guess I will be."

Meeting Them - Teen!Dean x Teen!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now