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Georgie's POV

Wrapping both my arms around Shawn's neck, I run my fingers through his slightly curly hair as our lips move in sync. His hair was more wavy than curly, which I loved. My lips feel all warm and tingly...which has never happened before. I feel Shawn's large hands grip my hips, pulling me flush against his chest, his plump lips moving against mine as his tongue darts out, begging for entrance. Letting out a giggle, I open my mouth and Shawn thrusts his tongue past my plump lips, feeling him greedily explore my mouth. We were getting so into the kiss that I didn't even hear people calling my name.

"Georgie! Georgie! Have you seen Georgie?"

I detach my lips from Shawn's, pecking them a couple more times before pulling away completely. Opening my hazel eyes, I meet Shawn's brown dilated ones as he dips his head back down to my lips. "Shawn!" I squeal against his lips as he playfully bites my bottom lip. "Shawn we have to go. Someone's calling me," I pout at his cute but defeated face before getting off his lap and pulling him out of the photo booth. Shawn grabs our pictures as I spot Demi a few feet away, still calling my name. "Demi! What's up?" I question seeing her head snap towards me, her eyes casting down to my hand and that's when I realize I'm still holding Shawn's hand. I shake my head as she smirks at me but she doesn't say anything. "It's time to sing happy birthday. It is midnight after all," My eyes almost bug out of my head. I can't believe it's already midnight. Selena comes bounding over to us just as Paul and my dad come out with the birthday cake. They put sparklers on the top tier and candles on every other tiers. The music stops, everyone gathering around us to sing happy birthday. Shawn let's go of my hand with a smile as he steps back to stand next to his friends and Demi.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Georgie and Selena. Happy birthday to you,"

I look at Selena with a smile as she give me a nod before we blow out all the candles. They all cheer once the candles are blown out. "Happy birthday sweetheart," Dad comes up to me and places a kiss on my head. "Thanks dad," I mumble into his chest as he pulls back, handing me set of keys. "Part of your birthday present. Lauren picked it out," I look at him strangely, turning the keys over to see a horse on the black key. He got me a Ferrari. "You didn't?!" I squeal excitedly as I launch myself into my dads arms. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You may think I'm spoiled, but I'm really not. I've worked hard for what I have, and I did buy my first car which is a jeep. Besides, I didn't ask anybody to get me anything.

"If you'd like cake, I will have some put out on the buffet table,"

Dad and Paul move the cake over to the buffet table to start serving the cake. "Happy birthday Selly! You old lady!" I joke as I wrap her into a hug, feeling her squeeze me back tightly. "I'm not an old lady, I'm only 24," She pouts at me as I laugh at her. "Still 6 years older than me," She mock glares me, gently slapping my face then placing a small kiss to the place she slapped before strutting away. "So have you been in the pool yet?" I feel hands grip my hips and breathing against my neck making me shiver. Turning around I see Shawn who has a smile on his face. "Nope. Not yet," I look up at him as his hands move back to my waist. "Well let's go," He drags me forward but I stop him. "Wait, wait, wait," I pull out my phone from the band of my bathing suit. "Selfie," I grin as I open up snapchat, tapping the front camera and holding it up in front of us. "Here, let me do it," Shawn takes my phone from my hands when he sees me struggle to fit him on the screen with my small frame. He positions the phone in his left hand since his right was now wrapped around my shoulders. I grin at the camera, wrapping my left arm around Shawn's waist and lean my head against his chest. I have to admit...I definitely ship Shorgina. Uh...maybe we'll think of something better later. Shawn takes the picture and I'm quick to snatch the phone out of his hand to look at the picture. We definitely look cute. But I notice that Shawn wasn't even looking at the camera.

My Dad Is Simon Cowell // Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now