Chapter 8

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The phone started to ring. "What if that's your parents?" Lorise asked while eating a bag of chips. I sighed and walked over to the phone. I hesitantly picked it up and put it to my ear. I didn't say anything. 

"Hello?" I heard a male voice. Not just any male voice. Bryson! 

"Hey, Bryson!" I said a little too enthusiastic. I was just relieved it wasn't my parents. "You sound excited. How are you?"

"I'm feeling good." 

"It's a new dawn and a new day!"  He said making reference to Nina Simone. I laughed. "It's not dawn Bryson." 

"Yeah well, it's a new evening." 

"What's up Bryson?" Lorise came over to the phone and listened on the other side of it. "I've been writing some poems for your poem book."  He told me. 

"Oh well I've only read the short story, but I was thinking maybe..." I trailed off. 

"Maybe what?" He asked curiously. "I could write my own version. You know like a sorry from the girl's point of view." There was a long pause. He sighed. I went through many possible scenarios in my head as to what his character could be hurting from. It inspired me to possibly tell the girl's side. 

 "It's hard to comprehend when you don't know the whole story," he finally said. Now, I was curious. 

"What do you mean the whole story?" The tension between the phone was very real. "Just... Nothing. If you want to do that then fine." I grinned. 

"I also wanted to talk about our date. I really liked it. I wanted to see you again," he mentioned. I felt my lungs scream for air. "I had a great time as well. I want to see you too," I said in what came out to be a soft, sweet voice. 

Lorise jumped up and down. "What's he saying?" She whispered a little too loudly. I put my finger to my mouth telling her to be quiet. 

"Your friend is there, huh?" Bryson asked chuckling. "Yeah, being nosey!" Lorise stuck her tongue out at me. I shooed her away. 

"So, what did you like about that night? It could help me figure out what to do next time," he asked. Was he already planning our next date? 

"You most of all," I said honestly. "Your sarcasm never ceases to amaze me." He chuckled. "Although," I began, "this isn't sarcasm." 

"Then what is it?" His voice got deeper. My stomach flipped. "I like being with you." I was a little nervous to say that to him. Extremely nervous. 

"Well, I'm pretty sure I can keep bringing myself; as long as you keep bringing yourself," he said. "And if so?"

"If so, I'll be really happy. Is that satisfying?" 

"Let me think about it." He laughed. "You are truly something." 

"So I've been told." I felt like Bryson and I could joke around and no feelings got hurt. I liked that.

"Seriously anything at all?" Bryson asked. "I told you," I said charmingly. He snickered. His snicker made my heart melt. 

"I knew I was charming, but dang!" He said laughing a little. "You're really silly," I said laughing along. 

"Come on girl, you know you're falling for me," he said. 

I scoffed. "Boy, you really are imaginative." 

"Playing hard to get, round one, one point for Liberty," he said like an announcer. "It only gets tougher from here," I told him in with fake pity in my voice. 

"I can see I'll be breaking my neck tryin' to get to you girl," he said. I smirked. I could tell he liked the chase. 

"I never had a day like yesterday. I liked everything about it." I fumbled nervously with my necklace.

"I did too." I smiled thinking of him leaning on the bridge and looking up at the stars. 

"Whenever you go again, can you swing by and get me?" I boldly asked. I wanted to take that back. 

"Swing like on a vine? Me Tarzan, you Jane?" My cheeks were heated. "Bryson!" 

He laughed. "I'd be glad to. I loved having you there." My heart fluttered. 

"I loved being there. It's really amazing. I've never paid attention to the stars." I never looked up when I was out at night. I was rarely ever out at night though. 

Seeing those stars made me appreciate something I never appreciated before; the beauty of the Earth and Nature. 

"You definitely have to come with me more. I bet you haven't done a lot of things. Not even the simple things." I thought about that for a moment. I realized it was true.

"What else haven't you done?" He asked. 

"Well, I've never been on a Ferris wheel." He gasped. 

"That is terrible. Have you ever been to a carnival?" I was embarrassed to answer that question.

"No, no I haven't." He groaned. "Next week there's a spring carnival. Liberty, will you go to the spring carnival with me?" I laughed because it was like he was asking me to prom. 

"Yes Bryson, I would love to go to the spring carnival with you." 

"Good no one should ever go a lifetime without carnivals. I love carnivals and since this is your first I'm gonna make it special."

"Oh, brother!" 

"Don't worry you'll be just fine."

We stayed on the phone for a while. When I got off, my cheeks were hurting. I had been smiling the whole time.

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