Chapter 13

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That night, I had a hard time sleeping. I was too happy and excited I wanted to be with Bryson, hear his voice, and see his face. It was a while before I fell asleep. I went smiling. 

In the morning, my mother was waiting for me in the kitchen with breakfast. "Good morning!" She said smiling at me.

"Hello!" I gave her a smile back. I sat across from her at the table. 

"Have some eggs." She pushed the plate toward me. The way she said it had me suspicious. "Uh sure." It came out more as a question. 

"Where'd you go yesterday?" She sipped her coffee. "Grammy's," I answered truthfully but not fully. "After that?" Her eyes stayed put on me. 

"Bryson's parent's house," I said casually. Several facial expressions passed across her face. 

I expected her to yell at me, but all that came out was, "oh, what are his parents like?"

"They're great! Really kind and loving." She nodded slowly. "How long did you stay?" 

"About 30 minutes to an hour." 

It was quiet for a minute. She seemed to be thinking. I let her think and didn't say anything else. I was scared this conversation would spin out of hand. 

"I want to meet him," she finally said. I stopped everything I was doing. I wasn't calm anymore. My heartbeat was fast from panic. I was tense.  I tried to figure out something to say. 

"When?" I asked stalling trying to think of something to say. "How about at your graduation. I'm sure you invited him." Even though I didn't have a way out, I could at least prepare Bryson.

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