Prologue to The Beginning

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I start highschool in one week.
Now there are choices to make, decisions i need to make right. Not decisions about college, or what ill be doing after i become part of the graduating class of 2020.
But where I fit in the mess of a jigsaw puzzle we call highschool: What social group I belong to.
It may be cliche to say there are groups of people, like the popular jocks, with their cheerleader girlfriends, the nerds in chess club with the snorty laugh as they push their glasses up with an index finger, or the misfits who don't qualify as anything but.
But these groups, they do exist, as do social boundaries, lines people dont cross, because there are too many differences.
It would be easy for most to be in one of these groups, for a few reasons. One of which is that you know what your friends fit in as, and you usually follow them into the group. If you don't have friends, you make some within the first week. Thats how it works.
But I can't do either of those, simply because I have too many friends. I dont fit in any group, I have no particular friends who I strictly hang out with.
To help explain it, I like to consider myself a paradox, in fact I am a paradox. I'm in multiple groups at once. Im everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I have attributes of every group. The intelligence of the nerds, the athletic capabilities of a jock, the slovenliness of a stoner, not to mention the appetite of one too. I like chess, to do parkour, to gorge myself on whatever food I find worth eating, to piss off the teachers everyone hates, to show up at every social event and end up making out with someone, usually female, I'm straight btw. To makes the jokes no one else will. On a similarly related note, if I could describe myself in one word other than paradoxical, it would be Bold. Because I don't care about what the subject is, I will make a joke about it, and I will set people straight on it.
I'm Odd, and I love it, and if your odd, I love you. This Won't be me commentating on my life though, and it won't be in this format. This is just the bio to the long list of pictures past and to come. Its where you decide to skip or follow. To see if you found a match. One week until it starts, four years until it ends. Please join me on the ride, I'll enjoy the company.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2016 ⏰

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